Erika unraveled her legs and stood from the couch. “I do. I told him, too, and he said the same... but can he really have loved me if he was able to throw me away not even twelve hours later?”
Christy stared at her with the same sympathetic frown as she had since she’d found Erika sobbing in the living room, Dax having shut her out completely.
“I don’t know. You said his ex-wife really did a number. Honesty is big for him and he’s probably just feeling betrayed.” Christy gave Erika a quick hug. “Give him a little more time. Once he realizes you were telling him the truth about not sending the article in, he’ll listen.”
Erika snagged the wineglass from the coffee table and brought it to the kitchen.
“I can’t think he’ll do that, or I’ll spend the next week on the damn couch.” After putting the glass in the sink, she sucked in a deep breath and wiped the loose strands from her face. “I need to just get back to work, you know? Get back to living.”
Christy leaned a hip against the kitchen counter and folded her arms over her chest. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun, giving her a sterner appearance.
“Just going to bury yourself in work?”
Erika pulled her hair back into a ponytail as best she could and yanked the elastic band from her wrist to secure her hair.
“I’m going to keep moving forward. I don’t have much of a choice, do I? I’ve messaged him, I’ve called him, I’ve done everything, but sky-write a letter to him. It’s his move now.” If her insides could catch up to the resolve in her voice, she’d be better off.
“Aren’t you going to be late for your shift?” Erika gave a pointed look at the time on the microwave screen.
Christy pinched her lips together. “Yeah. I better go. Don’t do anything drastic, promise me?”
“What more could I possibly do to make a mess of my life? Andrew’s probably pissed as hell that I haven’t checked in with him in almost a week, and Dax is gone. I can’t do anything about that, but I can save my career.”
Christy’s eyes narrowed. “Save it how?”
“I’ll figure it out.” Erika nodded. “I always do.” She had picked herself up before and she’d do it again this time.
With a heavy sigh, Christy threw her hands up. “Okay, just—be smart. I gotta run.” She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and was gone, leaving Erika to sink into a chair and start contemplating her next move.
Except every thought she had involved Dax. He’d said he loved her, and then he just walked out.
Remembering the hurt in his eyes twisted her heart again. She’d caused that, she’d given him the doubt and the fear that he’d been used again. Her actions had hurt him, crushed him. It was only right that she bore the pain she carried. She deserved it.
Chapter Thirty-Two