“Let’s get you up.” He helped her from his lap and stood her before him. He stayed on the couch.
She instinctively began rubbing her ass. “I really am—” Her voice died when his hands went to the button on her jeans. Retreating half a step, she tried to push him away. “What are you doing?”
“Taking off your jeans,” he said, casually brushing off her defense.
“Why?” she asked, too surprised to continue fighting him.
“In general, pets don’t need jeans. But specifically, naughty pets don’t get the luxury of clothes at all. So, until you learn to obey, you’ll be nude.”
“Nude?” The burn of her ass no longer her gravest concern, she stumbled back away from him, tripping over the coffee table and landing on her ass. He stood up from the couch, towering over her with his hands on his hips glaring down at her.
“Yes, nude. If you had answered me, we could have waited for that.”
“You surprised me, that’s all. I wasn’t—hold on!” She scrambled backward, but he was on her, scooping her up back to her feet.
“You can either do it yourself, or I’ll help.” He crossed his arms over his chest, but he didn’t move his glare from her.
He wasn’t going to budge.
“I don’t want to be naked.” She forced steel into her voice, hoping not to show him the wave of fear and arousal that bubbled up inside her.
“I didn’t want to be disobeyed. So, I guess neither of us gets what we want today. Now, you have two seconds to choose. You only have five licks of my belt to take before your punishment is over. If you keep disobeying me, you’ll see where bad pets have time-outs.”
Five lashes with his belt? Her eyes flickered to the thick leather belt at his waist. It looked soft, but she doubted her perception was anywhere near accurate.
Erika dragged in a shaky breath as she began to unbutton her jeans. Hooking her thumbs into the waistline, she pushed them over her hips and down her legs. She wiggled out of her shoes, then yanked the jeans off her feet and tossed them in the rocking chair near the fireplace.
“Panties, shirt, and bra, too,” he directed, still keeping his gaze on her eyes.
Her bottom lip began to tremble, but she ducked her head out of his sight. He would take it as a weakness. She’d only been completely nude in front of a select few men in her life. Not out of body shame, she had as many curves as the next girl. But being nude, having nothing to hide behind, being fully exposed to the judgment and view of another person—it was intense.
Once her bra landed on the chair with her other clothes, she wrapped her arms around her stomach, still unable to meet his gaze.
“Eyes, Erika. I want your eyes,” he commanded but didn’t make a move to force her chin up.
She swallowed over the lump in her throat and raised her gaze to his.
Large, round pupils dominated his otherwise brown eyes. She had felt his cock harden during the spanking, but now, she could see it bulging through his jeans.
“Obedience, Erika. That’s what I want,” he said, as though he’d dove into her mind. “Since this is your first time with me, I’ll let you choose. Do you want to go back over my lap for the rest of your punishment, or do you want to bend over the arm of the couch?”
“Over your lap,” she answered immediately. Having his arm around her hadn’t just held her in place during the spanking, it had anchored her to his strength—to the safety net his authority gave her.
She had no idea what any of that meant, but too many other thoughts were flying around for her to pick at just that one. She’d evaluate later, once she was fully clothed and back to her normal self. Because with his dominating stare on her, she only wanted to seek out his approval.
It both exhilarated and scared her.
“Okay, then.” He grabbed her hand, lacing his fingers through her own and took the few steps back to the couch. Reaching for his belt, he said, “Let’s get your punishment over with.”