Page 30 of Training His Pet

“Dax,” she tried again, softer this time. “I’m sorry, but I—”

“This is what I was talking about. Like a dog with a bone, going after the story no matter what.” He shook his head. “I told you to wait for me in the bedroom.” He took a step toward her, and without thought, she retreated.

“I didn’t mean, well, I did I guess, but if he’s able to get me in contact with a source, that’s safer than trying to watch the Persuccios myself. Wouldn’t that be a better way to go? Safer?” She put her hands on her hips. “Right? Safer is better?” Surely he could agree with that.

When he was close enough, he reached his arm out over her shoulder and shoved the front door shut. The resounding slam echoed in the room.

“The safe thing would have been to do what you were told and stay in the bedroom like a good pet. That would have been the safe thing to do.” The grave tenor shook her. She’d mis-stepped.

“I—uh, I,” she stammered. Why wouldn’t words form?

“You’re looking for something to write about. That punishment you saw this morning, you were curious. So, let’s go give you something to write about.” He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her along with him as he made his way to the couch. She tried to yank away, but his grip was welded closed.

“Dax, wait, wait, wait!” she cried out when he sat on the middle cushion and yanked her down over him. She tried to scramble away, but he clamped his arm around her waist; his knee dug into her stomach.

Even with her squirming, he positioned her where he wanted her and rested his hand over her ass.

“Listen to me,” he demanded, but she was too busy panicking to take heed of his words.

A resounding, hot smack to her ass shocked her frozen.

“When you’re bad you get punished. Usually, I’m not a fan of spanking for punishments, but since this is your first, I’m making an exception.” He ran his hand over her cheeks, sending warm tingles through her body.


“First of all, you don’t talk unless I ask a question.” He gave a hard spank to her right cheek. She grimaced and clenched her hands.

How could she explain, worm her way out of this if he wouldn’t let her talk?

She kicked her legs and tried again to throw herself off his lap. His response was immediate.

His heavy leg landed over her thighs, trapping her against him while his arm readjusted her and pinned her against his body. She wasn’t going anywhere.

Then it started.

The fire rained down from above her. Hot spanks peppered her entire ass. She cried out after half a dozen swats; the heat built too much for her to bear quietly.

And then he intensified the strikes. And pain muddled her will to take the moment with some dignity. She scrambled, clawed at the couch, wiggled, did everything to protect her ass from the onslaught of punishment he dished out.

Nothing worked.

“I’m sorry!” she screamed, exhaustion from her struggles settled in. But he wasn’t tired. He seemed to be just getting started.

“Good,” he said and moved the spanks to her thighs. Even with her jeans on, she felt every bite of his hand. The impact, the smack, the burn left behind. Nothing was left untouched.

“I’m really sorry!” she said, dropping an arm off the couch and pressing her cheek into the smooth fabric. Tears had started falling some time during the spanking and were now soaking into the couch. “I’m sorry.”

“For what?” he asked, stopping the spanking to rub her ass with his palm again. At first it was soothing, but the more he rubbed, the hotter her already smoldering flesh became.

She sniffed. “For not staying in the bedroom.”

“And why were you supposed to stay in there?” he continued.

She closed her eyes, feeling heat spread across her face. “Because you said to.”

“And when I tell you to do something, what do you do?” His hand stilled on her thigh.

She sucked in a breath. She knew what he wanted, what the right thing to say was, but her mouth wouldn’t form the words.