“Whatever,” she said and stalked out of the room to her bedroom. She slammed the door, leaning back against it with fisted hands at her sides. If this is what it meant to be with a dominant man, she wasn’t going to survive.
They were having a conversation about her, and she was being left out of it.
Deciding she didn’t have to be in the living room to at least hear them talking, she cracked the door open.
“They aren’t actively looking for her according to Corbin,” Dax said in a low voice. Probably trying to avoid her overhearing. “But she can’t go back to Chicago until Joey gets over his paranoia.”
“I know Corbin’s your brother, but...” Devin’s words trailed off, but Erika could fill in the blanks as easily as Dax.
“He’s made some stupid decisions, especially with the Persuccio family, but he wouldn’t lie to me. He wouldn’t be involved with hurting an innocent person.” The unshakable faith Dax held in his brother resonated with his tone.
“Well, you’re welcome here as long as you need. And if you need someone back home to look into what Joey is really up to, I have a few contacts left.”
Erika’s ears perked.
“I think I’ll give it a few more days. If Corbin doesn’t give me the all clear by then, I might need to take you up on that offer.”
Take him up on it now!Erika wanted to scream down the hall. If Devin had contacts that were able to maneuver around the Persuccio family and get information, she wanted to tap into that resource. It could be her chance to get the information she needed, to get the story that would finally get her the hell out of the society pages.
“Just let me know.” The screen door creaked as it opened. Devin was leaving! Her chance was slipping away.
Growling to herself, she clenched her jaw and threw open the bedroom door.
“Devin! Wait.” She jogged down the short hall into the living room. Feeling Dax’s hot disapproval burn her the moment she set foot in the room, she kept her back to him. Seeing his glare might distract her, and she had to keep her focus.
“Yeah?” He turned his dark gaze her way, flashing a curious glance at Dax first.
“You said you have contacts in Chicago? They could get us information on the Persuccio family?” She let her hands hang loose at her sides and shifted her weight to one foot.
Another quick glance at Dax. “Yeah?”
“Do you think they’d be willing to talk to me? Maybe answer a few questions?” She waved a hand. “They could be completely off the record; I mean their names. I wouldn’t have to name them.”
“Erika.” Dax’s low growl was a warning.
She chose to ignore it. “I can’t get anyone back home to give me any answers, but if you could introduce me, maybe they would talk to me.”
A playful smile danced on Devin’s lips. “I’m not sure they’d be willing to do that. They aren’t big on journalists spilling confidential information to the public.”
“Erika.” Her name dropped into the room like a bowling ball through a glass table.
She gritted her teeth. The tingles coursing over her skin at the intensity of Dax’s tone would have to be dealt with in a minute. She couldn’t let this opportunity pass.
“Oh, I wouldn’t do that,” she rushed to assure him.
Devin’s gaze flickered to Dax and his smile dropped. “I think you’ll be too busy here, but we can talk about it later if you still think it’s a good idea.” He gave her a quick wink and stepped onto the front porch, letting the screen door snap back into place.
She let out a frustrated sigh.
“Erika.” Her name hit her with all the softness of a steel beam.
She closed her eyes momentarily, took a deep breath before facing him.
“Dax.” She turned around, ready to explain away his irritation, but once her eyes locked on his, all the words fell out of her head.
His jaw was wound tight, even the muscles in his neck were locked up in knots. Even with the narrowed lids, she could make out his dangerous glare.
Maybe she’d ignored too many warnings.