“It was,” she answered softly, turning her cheek into his palm.
“The humiliation tears at you but lifts you up at the same time. You get aroused, but you’re not sure why. It’s confusing but feels right. Am I close?”
She leaned up on her elbows, looking up at him. He watched her with warmth in his eyes.
“That’s exactly it, yes.” She nodded.
He chucked her chin with his knuckles. “And now? How do you feel? Bad, good, numb?”
She dragged in a long breath. “Quiet. Not numb, just... calm.”
He grinned and sat forward, pressing a kiss to her lips. “Me too.” He kissed the tip of her nose. “Let’s get the tail out so you can lie down.” He nudged her shoulders until she rolled onto her belly.
“I already took a nap today; I’m not doing it twice.” She pressed her cheek to her folded hands below her.
His hands pulled her ass cheeks apart, sending another ripple of excitement through her belly.
“You’ll do what I tell you to do, isn’t that right?” He gave her a warning glare.
She scrunched up her lips, wanting to exert her independence, but needed to curl into his dominance at the same time. He was right. It was overwhelming.
“I suppose so,” she yawned. It was him. He was wringing all the energy out of her body.
He tugged on the tail and pulled it free of her ass. She clenched her cheeks together once he let go.
He patted her ass. “Has anyone ever fucked you here?”
“No,” she quickly answered. The butt plug had been a first. It had surprised her how easily she’d accepted it, but she was pretty confident his fingers and her state of heightened arousal had something to do with it.
The bed jostled when he climbed off it and he didn’t say anything else as he left the room. Rolling over to her back, she heard the water in the bathroom turn on and figured he was cleaning the plug. Her ass felt sore, stretched, much like her pussy.
Getting chilled, she slid off the bed and made her way back to her bedroom to grab a shirt. Her phone buzzed when she entered the room and she swiped it off the nightstand.
“Erika?” Dax stepped into the doorway.
She grabbed a t-shirt from her bag and faced him. “I was cold.”
He narrowed his eyes. “It’s a warm day, maybe you should lie out in the sun.”
Her phone buzzed again in her hand.
“Or wrapped up with me on the couch. Movie?” He jerked a finger down the hall.
“That sounds good.” She nodded. A relaxing afternoon snuggled in his arms, where was the box to check yes?
“I’ll find something, you have two minutes, then I take that phone from you,” he warned her with a pointed finger. “And if I have to do that, you’ll be snuggled in your bed, not on the couch.”
She gripped her phone harder. He had to know that wasn’t much of a warning anymore. Even curled up at his feet probably wouldn’t give her the censure he was going for.
“I’ll be right there. Promise.” She smiled and swiped the screen alive.
So? How’s the story coming? What’s going on? Give me details.
Her boss.
Another text came through.