For another fucking story.
“Erika. Stop,” Dax warned.
“I’m just curious.” Erika didn’t look up at him.
“Trevor wanted to move up here. That’s all,” Addison answered politely, but Dax sensed her apprehension. It had been awhile since she had to deal with anyone from that part of her history.
“Oh. Hmm, seems like a huge leap from height of society to small pond Michigan,” Erika said. He knew she wasn’t trying to be rude; she was simply following the scent of news. Addison leaving Chicago behind hadn’t been news in a long time. As far as Dax was aware her father had kept the press from pursuing her. If Erika wrangled out the truth, she’d have a good story for her editor.
“It’s been great though. I wasn’t much for all that fancy stuff my father thrust on me. I’m happy here. This is home.” Addison smiled, resting her hand on Erika’s knee. “So, what brings you up here?”
Erika glanced up at Dax. “Him.”
Addison laughed. “Yeah, I can relate.”
“Really?” Erika scooted closer again.
“Erika.” Dax rested a hand on her shoulder. “It’s late and you’ve had a really long day. I think we need to head back to the cabin.”
“But Addison just got here—”
“She just got off work, and I’m sure Trevor wants her home.”
“I think she can answer for herself,” Erika said, keeping her eyes glued to Addison.
“No, he’s right. I’m beat.” Addison got up from her chair and the warm smile returned. “I’ll stop by your cabin tomorrow afternoon, maybe?”
Dax shook his head. “I think we need some time. Maybe the day after.”
Erika’s brow lowered. He wouldn’t be letting her near any of his friends again until she realized chasing stories would only get her in trouble.
“Okay, well, I’ll let Trevor know to text you before he thinks to head this way.” Addison gave a sympathetic smile toward Erika. “I don’t know what’s exactly going on, but like I said I can relate. You can trust Dax.”
“Thanks.” Erika smiled, moving up to her feet. The evening of voyeurism at the dungeon was over. She’d pushed too far with wanting to pry into Addison’s story, and now she’d have to spend the rest of the night at the cabin.
Paying the price.
“I’ll see you guys.” Addison made her way out of the dungeon, leaving Dax with his little curious pet.
“I didn’t mean to piss you off,” Erika said once Addison had moved out of hearing range. “I was just curious.”
“You were looking for a story. You found Addison St. Claire, and wouldn’t that make a juicy headline?” He couldn’t quite keep the irritation from his voice.
“I told you I want out of the society papers. Why would I do a story on someone like Addison? It would just go in a place I don’t want to be,” Erika pointed out.
“We’re going back to the cabin.” He pointed toward the door. “Let’s go.”
“You’re being an unreasonable ass.” She shoved past him and stalked off in front of him.
Maybe he was, but he wouldn’t let Addison, or any of his friends who were going out of their way to hide away at the resort, feel like she was digging for information. They would not be jeopardy of having their names printed all over the paper back home.