Page 43 of Training His Pet

Chapter Fifteen

The sun cast a goldshadow across the evening sky, bringing a cool breeze. Dax scooted closer to Erika, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her against his side.

“Are you cold?” he questioned in her ear.

“No.” She shook her head and leaned her head on his shoulder. They sat along the wall of the main dungeon, watching other scenes play out. The barn door was kept open for the breeze to cool off the space, but even with the heat during the day, the nights could be chilly.

He should have made her grab a sweater before they headed up to the dungeon. He would make sure she kept one with her the rest of the week.

“Hey, Dax.” Addison stepped up to them.

“Addison. Hi.” Dax smiled and released Erika to stand up and give her a hug. “Trevor said you were working up here, you finished?”

She nodded, making her ponytail sway. “Yeah. Just. Trevor got roped into a double shift, so he’s not coming by tonight. Maybe tomorrow.” Her eyes shifted to Erika, sitting quietly in her seat doing her best to look uninterested. But he’d already picked up on her tells, and the more she leaned her ear toward them, and her eyes away from them, the more she was concentrating on the details.

“This is Erika.” Dax reached down and tugged her to her feet.

“Hi.” Erika gave Addison a warm smile but didn’t open herself for a hug or handshake. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Same here.” Addison squirmed her way between Dax and Erika and sat down in Dax’s chair, forcing him to move one over.

Erika’s smile widened, and she plunked down next to Addison.

“So, what do you do here?” Erika asked, folding her hands between her knees.

“Oh, I manage the retail store and the café. Have you tried the food there? I just brought in a pretty amazing cook.”

“Yes, we had breakfast there. It was great.” Erika scooted closer. “You look so familiar.” She tapped her chin.

Addison pulled back an inch. “Oh, probably just have that look.”

“Do you know if the things I rented were brought to the cabin?” Dax pushed into the conversation. If he could get Erika’s mind fixated on something else, she’d let go of the juicy bone she was starting to gnaw on.

“Yes. All delivered too,” Addison said, but he noticed the worry in her expression. She glanced back at Erika with her nerves showing.

Erika’s eyes narrowed. She was homing in on something.

“Erika—” he started.

“St. Claire! You’re Addison St. Claire.” Erika covered her mouth with the tips of her fingers.

Addison’s smile fell, and the color started to drain from her cheeks.

“Erika. That’s enough,” Dax warned, getting back to his feet.

“What?” Erika turned a confused look up at him.

“It’s nothing. It’s okay, Dax.” Addison waved a hand at him. “Yes, my maiden name was St. Claire. I’m Addison Stringer now, though.”

“Right. Of course. I’m sorry, you’re married to Trevor. I knew you fell out of society, at least the paper stopped handing out assignments that involved you. I was just an intern at the time, but I remember. I wondered what happened.” Erika’s tone picked up. She was fishing again.