Page 88 of Red

“That’s right.” He grabbed her ass, red and welted from the flogger and the belt he’d used on his wife. She hissed at the fierceness of his hands, but he would not relent.

A month had passed since she came home to him. A month he’d spent making up for the time he’d lost after his fear drove her from him.

He’d bound her to the whipping post in the play room, and she’d begged him to use his belt.

“Should I let you down?” A rhetorical question, but he enjoyed seeing her toy with the idea of control. He licked her shoulder. She loved this almost as much as he did, but it was in the moments of her indecision that he loved it best.

“I need you, Erik,” she said, unbalancing him for a moment. It wasn’t the words but the softness with which she’d said them.

She’d come back into his life with roar of the wolf. Settling into a normal life had taken time. She still battled her nightmares, her insecurities. So, when she went soft, when she begged for his arms around her, he would stop at nothing to give her what she needed.

He unhooked the cuffs and had her on the bed in moments, lying beside her. She peered up at him, her eyelids heavy with arousal, her lips swollen from the face fucking he’d given her before trussing her up on the whipping post.

“Anything you need. It’s yours,” he promised and pulled her thighs apart, settling between them.

“Just you. I need you.” She cradled his hand in hers. “Don’t be gentle. Please.”

He grinned.

“I wouldn’t even if I could.”

In one thrust, he was inside her, his balls slapping against her ass as he fucked her the way she loved. Hard and fast and without apology.

Her nails dug into his flesh, dragging down his back. He’d have marks in the morning, but he didn’t fucking care. They would match the ones he’d given her.

She arched up at him, and he knew she was close. So easily read, so easily played. He toyed with her, but only until he couldn’t hold back any longer.

He bit down on her shoulder, sending a ripple of pain through her body and into his own.

She screamed, but he barely heard it as his body exploded along with her. He held her close, riding her until they were both a heaped mess in the bed, clinging to each other.

“I fucking love you, Red.” He breathed out and pinched her hip.

“I love you, too.” She laughed, playing with the medallion he still wore around his neck. “My wolf.”

Thank you so much for reading Red! I hope you enjoyed meeting Erik and Melinda. They’d love to meet all the people. So please spread the word, and tell a friend about these books!

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Still craving more romance in the Ever After world? You’re in luck. Turn the page to get a glimpse into Daddy Ever After, a Girls of the Annex Novella.

Daddy Ever After

Candles burned in their sconces along the outer walls of the ball room. Jaelynn stood in the far corner, watching everyone. Her stomach had finally stopped twisting into intricate knots, but that probably had more to do with the two shots of amaretto she’d taken before leaving her room and coming down for the party.

Drinking was forbidden for the girls of the Annex right before a party, but amaretto wasn’t really liquor, was it? Sure, it had some alcohol content, but it wasn’t tequila. Not that she would ever make an attempt at a shot of tequila. In fact, she was pretty sure amaretto wasn’t really a shot type liquor, but it had done the job, so she wouldn’t dwell on it.

Ashland Titon, owner of the Annex, had already given his speech laying out the ground rules for the evening. Most of them were put in place to keep the girls safe. But she still wasn’t all that sure any woman would be safe around Ash, or any of the men milling around the room.

Power flowed through the air. Then again, it could have just been her imagination. She had a way of doing that. Seeing things that weren’t there, feeling things that weren’t realistic. And she’d made a fool of herself one too many times. Some called it anxiety, she called it life.

But it was the power she sought out at the moment. From one man in particular. If she could just find him, get close enough to him, she could get the job done and be rid of the Annex. But for the time being, until she could make her move, she’d have to keep playing submissive to the alpha assholes who came looking for a good time. At least they paid well.

“Jaelynn, let’s go. You have to socialize.” Jeffrey, the man assigned to escort her through the room, jerked a thumb at the room.

“Right.” She nodded and smoothed out the skirt of her dress, taking a deep breath. “Let’s do this.” With a nod she pushed herself to start mingling among the rich and powerful.