Though catching the glance of a man looking more terrified than she felt, she wondered how powerful some of them might be.
“You’re going to do fine. Just remember, anyone makes an offer, you direct them to me. Peter will have final say since this is your first party.” Jeffrey rambled on while she made her way across the room. What was she supposed to do exactly? She couldn’t just pace the room like a piece of pie in a rotating case at a diner.
An older man, old enough to be her grandfather, licked his lips as she passed him. She lowered her gaze and picked up her pace. Hopefully he saw the gesture as her being a skittish submissive. If she were to insult one of the guests unprovoked she’d be meeting with Peter again. And she would rather not meet up with the disciplinarian again any time soon.
Once she reached the opposite end of the room, she turned on her heel and started walking back to her original position. She’d make a round after that, she promised herself. Eventually, she would need to actually try to meet up with one of the men in the room, while searching out her prey.
Taking on a man for the night or weekend wouldn’t be the worst thing. She had every confidence that Ashland wouldn’t allow anyone access to one of his parties without being thoroughly vetted and deemed safe. And she had been assured she had final say on what went into her contracts. If she said no sex, there wouldn’t be sex. Which worked well, since she wasn’t sure how easily she could fuck a stranger. Playing a little slap and tickle was one thing, and she even enjoyed it to a point, but having some man she didn’t even know huffing and puffing over her didn’t make the cut. She’d be checking no in that box.
But if she was lucky, she’d find the man she was doing all this for. If she could get him to buy her for the night, she would be able to get close enough to sink her knife into his throat.
If he showed up. It was a hit or miss situation with him and the catalogue parties. Being older now, he didn’t partake as often, but she knew he’d come. Eventually, he would, and she could get to him.
Until then, she’d continue working in the Annex, biding her time.
“Jaelynn, I need to get to the front door. There’s a problem. You are to stay right over here.” Jeffrey grabbed her arm and pulled her to the corner near the bar. “Stephan, I have to step out. Keep an eye out for her, okay?”
The man behind the bar pouring a glass of wine nodded. “Sure thing. Jae, just hang here, okay? I can’t leave the bar right now.”
“No problem, Stephan.” She leaned against the bar and let out a relaxing breath. Who knew putting yourself on a display rack would be so intense. It was like eyes were on her every time she moved.
Specifically, at the moment, she could feel it, the warm stare of a man. Sweeping her gaze around the room, she didn’t see anyone ogling her from a distance. Most of the men were already mingling with the girls or engrossed in conversation with each other. Some of the girls had warned her that the guys usually just hang out for a while at first and don’t start picking any of them out until toward the end of the night.
The sensation didn’t go away once she looked around. If anything, it grew more intense. A heat washed over her. She wasn’t just being watched, she was being hunted.
Standing in the corner only made the feeling more intense. She had nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. Not that she should.
Justice—her mantra, but it wasn’t working in that moment. Whoever had her locked in his sights was giving her a chill.
“Stephan, I’m just going to walk over there,” she tried to tell him. But he was busy pouring drinks.
“Jaelynn, no. Stay,” he said when she started to walk away.Stay.Like she was just going to obey him on command. He could still see her if he looked up from pouring, and if she was approached she’d bring the gentleman back toward the bar so Stephan would be in hearing range.
Once she was in the open area again, her breathing came more naturally. The heated sensation of being stalked eased away.
She checked the time on the delicate gold chain watch on her left wrist and sighed. Only another four hours before Ash would call the evening to a close. It wouldn’t be enough to entertain a few men with conversation throughout the night; she had to eventually find someone to play with. She couldn’t let Ash or Peter get the idea she wasn’t there for the work.
Being distracted in her own thoughts, she didn’t notice a man step up beside her. Her body tensed when she got a whiff of his aftershave. Musk, a woodsy leathery scent. It was almost calming, until she brought her eyes up to meet his.
Dark. Everything about this man screamed run. The severity of his stare, the tightness of his chiseled jaw. The black swirling tattoos that crept up from under his shirt collar and spread over his throat. Around his neck. He rubbed his chin while she continued to gawk at him; more tats. All over his hands. Did any inch of him not have ink?
“I don’t think you’re supposed to be over here.” His deep voice cut through her mental observations.
“What?” She blinked. Her mind had blanked out on her. “Oh. Yes. No. It’s okay,” she assured him, taking a small step to the left. She couldn’t see Stephan with the way this stranger positioned himself between her and the bar.
“Ash made it clear none of the women were to be unescorted. I don’t see your escort.” His dark eyes never left hers.
“He had to see to something. It’s okay.”
“Not a rule follower?” he asked with an arched brow. What was the right answer, what did he want to hear? If she said she was, maybe he would find her boring, but if she said she wasn’t, maybe he wouldn’t find her submissive enough.
“I, I’m Jaelynn.” She threw her hand out toward him. Maybe if she drew the conversation back to the beginning she could get him to stop glowering at her.
“Yes, I know.” He grabbed her hand, but not to shake it. Instead he cradled it, running the rough tips of his fingers across her palm. “We get a catalogue when we respond to the invitation for the party,” he explained when she kept silent.
Yes. That’s right. Catalogue. Party. She was supposed to be finding him. Justice. Yes. It was all coming back to her now.
“This is your first party,” he added. “You know, Ashland does a good job of vetting all of these men, but it doesn’t mean they are all safe. They won’t hurt you anymore than whatever terms they agree to, but they aren’t nice men.”