No. That’s impossible.
That pale-skinned, dark-haired, shapely human with the supple flesh and amber eyes merely triggers a physical response in my body.
That’s all.
I press the comm on the door. “Gwen, may I please speak with you?”
“Uh… okay. Come in.”
The door slides open and I walk in. She’s sitting by the window in a rich green tunic and flowing pants. I can’t look away as she picks food from a bowl, her jaw working the food, her throat bobbing as she swallows, her hands and fingers moving delicately as she shells the padgral nuts and eats them one by one.
“Commander?” she prompts, and I realize I've been staring.
“Call me Ryz.”
“Ryz, then,” she says, her voice making a shiver run down my spine. She can’t form the Ydrin sounds like native speakers, but I like hearing my name from her plump, pink lips. Her amber eyes scan me from head to toe. “You’re all dressed up.”
I try to ignore the ache in my cock as she studies me. “Yes. Do you like it?”
She blinks. “Um… I guess it’s nice.”
“Good.” I pause, then swallow. “How is the testing going?”
She shrugs. “Fine, I suppose. I think I’m learning as much about Chom and Ferg as they are about me. It’s a whole new world. I feel like I don’t know anything.”
“Give yourself time. You’ll be fine.”
She tips her head to the side and narrows her eyes. “Why are you here, Ryz?”
I sit down next to her. Her hair is still damp from being washed and smells like Kaliki soap. I want to touch it.Vrek, I want to touchanypart of her.
She eyes me and pushes the bowl of nuts toward me. “You look hungry. Want some?”
I’m hungry, but not for padgrals. I shake my head.
I clear my throat. “I have a proposal for you.”
Zadren, Xi, and I had decided exactly how I’d say this, but being here next to her it all vanishes from my mind.
“Marry me and I’ll help you find your friends,” I blurt.
She’s obviously stunned, staring straight ahead. “Are you…for real right now?” she finally says.
I want to reach out and take her hand in mine to show herhowreal I am.
“It’s…a dire situation. My father recently passed after many moons of rule. The Outside Forces are looking for reasons to strike, thinking us weak in our time of grief and transition. A marriage would gain more support from our allies and help rally our people.”
“I’m sorry for your loss,” she says. “But why me? There’s got to be an infinite number of women better qualified for the job.”
I glance out the window. “The people of Ydris will be more supportive of a mate my sister has prophesied.”
“Wait… Say that again.” Gwen’s hand lands on my knee. Heat ignites where she touches me, and I hold back a groan.
“Sorry.” She pulls her hand back quickly.
I clear my throat. “Xi is known as an oracle. She told us earlier that… You are my fated mate.”
Gwen’s brow furrows and then she bursts out laughing.