Page 15 of His Brazen Bride

“Oh my god, this is insane!” she says. “I’myourfated mate…” She shakes her head, still giggling. “You actually believe in that stuff?”

Okay, I know it’s ridiculous, but is it reallythatfunny? “Personally, no. Oracles and fate and true love…” I roll my eyes. “It’s all a fairy tale. Yes, my sister may be able to pick up on things not obvious to the rest of us, but she’s also biased.”

“Then why…?”

“Many people—both from Ydris and beyond—dostill believe such things. And we need to leverage that. It’s the only way we’ll be able to fight against those who wish to conquer us.”

Gwen gets up and begins to pace the room. “But you said you didn’t have the resources to help me.”

“We don’t, right now. But after the wedding ceremony, once our allies are in place and the Outside Forces have backed off, I can launch a proper search with my best team.”

She huffs. “But my friends could be in dangernow. Waiting could mean…” Her eyes fill with tears. The need to soothe her makes my chest ache.

“I wish I could do something sooner.” I watch as she chews her lip. “But if your friends are anything like you, I’m sure they are surviving.”

She smiles at that, and I take it as a small win. “I’m guessing I don’t have much of a choice but to agree to this?”

She’s right, but for some reason it hurts to hear her put it that way.

She sits back down in front of me. “Okay. I’ll marry you, as long as everything gets put in writing.”

My heart beats faster. “Done.”

She sits up taller. “And I’d like to set a few ground rules, too.”

“Ground…rules?” The two words together don’t make sense in Ydrin.

“You know, stipulations. Conditions. Terms,” she says.

“Of course, but we usually go over those at the signing before the official ceremony.”

She levels her gaze at me. “And I want to go over them with you now.”

“Very well,” I grumble.

“I don’t want children.”

If my body hadn’t been completely supported by the chair, I would’ve fallen out of it.

I have thought about having children in the future, although any wife is not required to birth them—surrogates and adoption are both acceptable ways to pass leadership lines. Still, something akin to disappointment churns inside me, though I have no idea why.

“No, that will not be necessary.”

“And there will be no forced sexual relations.”

Again, I’m dumbfounded by her request. “Is that a common practice in your world? It’s considered barbaric by any advanced species.”

She gives me a sad smile. “Of course not. It’s against the law. But it still happens. And a wife may feel obligated to give into sexual advances from her husband.”

I shake my head. “You are under no obligation. Ever.”

She nods firmly. “Good.”

“Besides, I have plenty of other options,” I say, hoping to ease her worry. “The Palace has females that cater to those needs.”

Her head snaps up. “What?”

“Both of us are free to pursue sexual gratification elsewhere.” Though I’ll admit, the thought of her with another male stirs up a sick feeling in my gut.