In the darker parts of the sky, higher up, are an infinite number of twinkling stars.
In the distance is a brilliantly lit city. Different colors illuminate the windows of tall silver buildings that sweep up into the sky like hundreds of space needles at various heights that would put Seattle to shame. Vehicles of all shapes and sizes are flying around the buildings. The city is too far away for me to see what beings inhabit the place, but at this point nothing would surprise me.
Closer on the slope is bright vegetation, trees in fuchsia and white, flowers of neon green and ocean blue. What looks like a stream snakes through the large expanse, the color of the water similar to that of the foliage and sky above.
It’s absolutely stunning.
Life on other planets?! In other galaxies?! It all makes my head spin. I’m terrified and yet feel extremely lucky to be able to see this.
Something in the room chimes, making me jump.
“Gwen, are you there?” a voice booms all around me, deep and rough. I immediately recognize it as belonging to Copper Hottie.
“Yes,” I answer, finding my voice and turning away from the windows.
“May I enter?”
“Why?” I counter. “You want more of what you got earlier?”
I still have no clue as to who these aliens are or what their plans are for me, but until I figure it out I think it’s best to show him I’m not afraid of him.
A few seconds go by without an answer. Ha! I must have made him stop and think.
“We have no intention of harming you, Gwen. I just want to speak with you. We have a lot of questions.”
“Join the club,” I reply.
“Excuse me?”
“Never mind,” I say. I doubt the translator understands English idioms very well. “You may come in.”
The wall to my right slides open and Copper Hottie strides in.
Wow, he really is tall. Maybe eight feet. I had only seen him from my prone position and thought that was why he looked like a giant.
And I’d brought this man to his knees?Go me.
He still looks just as hot, all thick muscles and graceful gait, flowing copper hair, and square jaw, but this time—crap—a woman walks into the room with him.
She’s slightly shorter than him, and much less bulky. She has similar features, including those elfin ears. However, she’s pewter, with bright yellow eyes the color of sunflowers. She wears a high-necked top that shows off her perky breasts and slim waist, and a floor-length skirt with slits all around, giving me a peek of her long, shapely legs.
She’s gorgeous.
And she’s staring straight at me, as if in a trance.
“I see you brought your wife for protection,” I say, feeling suddenly irked by her presence.
She snaps out of her trance and shakes it off, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth as she laughs.
Copper Hottie is not amused.
HIs neon blue eyes study me longer than necessary, making my throat go dry. “She’s not my wife,” he growls. Then adds, “There’s a robe in the closet.”
“I didn’t realize I needed a robe,” I say, looking down at myself. I’m completely covered, but admittedly this fabric clings to everything. My nipples, suddenly stiff, are showing, and I’m sure it’s gripping my ass. Oh god, is this alienlingerie?
Why would that even matter to him?
And number one with a bullet, why am I glad this woman isn’t his wife?