Page 10 of His Brazen Bride

The woman moves toward me. “Hello, Gwen. I’m Xicyn Urralix, Commander Ryzordiek’s sister.” She bows slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Commander Ryzordiek?” I ask. Right. The octopus and Squidward kept calling him Commander. His name is Ryzordiek? I was just getting used to Copper Hottie.

He hands me a robe he’s plucked from the closet. Seeing him up close is surreal, and the way he’s eyeing me is only making my nipples harder.

Why does he have to smell so good, too? Like fresh herbs and morning dew.

“Hello, Xicyn.” I take the robe and wrap myself in the soft, fluffy fabric. I turn to Ryzordiek. “Okay, my mistake—you brought yoursisterfor protection?”

Xicyn’s eyes widen, then she smirks.

Had she heard I kicked him in the junk and then kneed him in the face? His nose does look a little swollen. I wonder if his groin is, too?—

Great, now you’re thinking about his groin.

“I don’tneedprotection, do I?” he asks. “I assumed that was all a misunderstanding.”

I shrug. “Maybe.”

He levels a gaze at me. “Would you prefer I pin you down again?”

My entire body ignites. Wow—that escalated quickly.

“Ryz…” Xicyn warns.

He licks his lips, and I swear they twitch as if he wants to smile.

“Why don’t we sit and talk?” He gestures to a seating area on the opposite side of the room.

I nod and sit down, curling my legs underneath me. Ryzordiek and Xicyn take a seat across from me.

“As for proper introductions: I am Ryzordiek Urralix, leader of Ydris, this planet in the Omicron galaxy.”

“I’m Gwen McKinley, from Santa Barbara, California, in the United States of America, a country located on the planet Earth, in the Milky Way galaxy.”

Both of them furrow their brows as they process the translation.

You’ve obviously never heard of any of those places, huh?”

They both shake their heads.

“Then why am I here?” I ask.

The Commander sighs. “We’d like to know, too.”

“Were you traveling?” Xicyn asks.

“No! I was getting ready for a wedding at the All Saints by the Sea Church with my two best friends, Iris and Lacey. We were all bridesmaids. Those sleestak alien guys barged in. We fought them off as best we could, but they managed to subdue us and next thing I know I’m in your medical bay with the octopus and Squidward all set to probe me.”

They both look at me like I’m crazy.

Ryz speaks. “We found only you and a dead Belran on a ship that crashed outside my grounds.”

“Is a Belran what you call those lizard guys with the big eyes?”

They nod.

“So… Where are Iris and Lacey?” My voice is suddenly small, like a child’s. “I have to find them. Who knows what those green freaks plan to do to them?”