He quirks an eyebrow. “You want to watch me jerk off?”
I nod my head and lick my bottom lip.
He brings his hand down and slowly begins to run his fist up and down the thick length of his shaft.
“Closer,” I mutter. I want to really see.
The bed is so small that I have to shift over slightly until he’s kneeling right next to where my head is resting on a pillow. He starts to rub himself again. “Slower, please.”I murmur. My eyes aren’t used to this and the speed it’s making everything blurry. When his rhythm slows I see much better.
The tip of his cock is inches from my face, and the low grunts he makes as he rubs himself suddenly seem to come into context. Watching him was what I wanted, but it’s too much. It turns out sight is a major deal in the art of being turned on and I’m so desperate for him, that I can’t help myself. I lean forward and take him in my mouth which elicits a quick inhale from him.
“Oh fuck,” he whispers through gritted teeth. “You look so fucking gorgeous.”
I never enjoyed being called beautiful or any variation of it. Gorgeous, pretty, attractive. But now I see what he means. I am beautiful and for the first time I feel it.
I bring my hand up and run my fist up and down his shaft as I suck on the tip, then bring him in deeper. When his breathing deepens and I recognize the signs that he’s about to come, I pull back and work his cock in rapid motions until he grips my shoulder and thrusts against my hand, coving my breasts with a thick white liquid.
He grabs a tissue from his bedside table and carefully cleans me up, dropping small kisses on my breasts after I’m clean.
He lies down next to me and I snuggle into the crook of his arm and rest my head against his chest. His chest rises and falls with deep breaths.
“Now that was gorgeous,” I breathe out. “And fascinating.”
I feel, rather than see him laugh, a rumble in his chest.
“I’m not letting you off that easy.” He leans down and kisses the top of my head. “Give me five minutes and you can watch as I fuck you and then we’ll do it again and again until you’ve seen every fucking thing you want to see.
It’s late by the time the pair of us are so spent and my body is aching in all the right ways that I can’t move.
I should go back to my room, but I’ve never felt so comfortable in my life snuggled up in his arms. And as I feel my eyes finally closing, I know that I don’t want to leave his bed. Never. And if that blows my entire life up, then so be it. It’s already been blown to pieces.
My mind is racing as I pack a small bag with my clothes. I have so little now compared to the masses of designer dresses back in my walk-in a wardrobe at Waldgrave house. Just the thought of that place has me thrusting the sundresses I bought this week in more quickly. The doctor’s appointment is at ten am, so we need to act fast. Guilt pulls at me as I think of everything Josh, Alexander and Nolan have done for us, but I wasn’t lying to Lauren when I said that just being near us is putting them in danger. I doubt they’ll ever thank me for what we’re about to do, but I hope they’ll understand.
In the living area. Nolan is preparing breakfast as usual and Alexander is on his computer, muttering away to himself. He looks up as I enter the room.
“We’ll need to eat quickly if we want to get to the doctor’s in time,”
“I’ve made a fruit salad,” Nolan announces. “I can box it up and we can eat it on the boat ride across. Where’s Lauren?”
I’m surprised to see she’s not awake yet, but if she spent the night packing, maybe she’s slept in. I drop my own bag at the front door, hoping the small rucksack won’t arouse their suspicion. “I’ll wake her. Box up the fruit salad. We might as well get on with it.”
I knock on Lauren’s door and wait. She doesn’t answer, so I knock again, and this time call out her name. “Lauren?” when she doesn’t answer, I open her door. She’s not in bed. “Hey Lauren,” I shout toward the bathroom door, “We don’t want to be late for your appointment,” but as I twist the handle and the door opens to an empty room, my heart pounds. She was upset with me yesterday. I don’t want to think of what she might have done. I race out of the bedroom and back into the living area. “Have either of you seen her this morning? She’s not here.”
“She’s probably taking a walk alone the beach before it gets too hot,” Mercier says. “You know how much she hates being cooped up in here.”
It makes sense, but as I glance outside through the window and don’t see her, a feeling of panic engulfs me. “Something’s wrong!”
I race out through the front door, with Nolan and Alexander right behind me. I scour the beach in both directions, but she’s not here. “The pool!” I scream out. She‘s been having lessons, but she’s not a strong swimmer yet. I can’t shake the feeling something terrible has happened, but as the three of us round the house to the pool area, it’s clear she’s not there. I breathe out a sigh of relief to not find her floating body, but if she’s not in the pool there’s not many places she can be. The island is tiny with only the large main building and the slightly smaller staff quarters.
“Where the hell is she?’ I bring my hand to my head as I try not to think of her body being washed out to sea.
Alexander shoots Nolan a look that tells me they know something, or suspect it.
“What?” I demand