Alexander shrugs.
I march over to him. “You know where she is.”
Alexander hesitates, and then his gaze shifts meaningfully towards the staff building. “I don’t know for sure, but I can make a guess,” he admits reluctantly.
“The staff building? Why would she be there?”
And then it hits me. She’s with Josh. The thought is a sucker punch to the chest. I don’t know what’s worse. Her being in Josh’s room or her not being in Josh’s room. I don’t even knock as I practically slam Josh’s door open.
I stagger backwards as I enter the room and see the scene before me. My eyes widen as I take in the sight of my Lauren lying next to Josh in his bed. They’re both covered with a sheet, but it’s clear that they are both naked underneath. Bile hits the back of my throat as they both scramble upwards, Lauren clutching the sheet to her chest.
“You fucking bastard!” Without thinking, I lunge forward, my hand automatically reaching for the nearest object I can find. My fingers close around the lamp on Josh’s bedside cabinet. With a swift, adrenaline-fueled motion, I hoist the lamp high, poised and ready to strike.
The scream that erupts from my throat is primal and raw, a guttural sound that comes from the deepest part of my being. I feel the weight of the lamp in my hand, heavy and solid, as I swing it downward with all my might.
I’m thrusted forward as someone, either Nolan or Alexander crashes into the back of me as he wrestles the lamp from between my fingers. Rage pours through me, even as I find myself wedged between Josh below me and either Alexander or Nolan on top.
“Get the fuck off her!” I shout, my voice hoarse with rage. The weight behind me decreases and I feel myself being hauled backwards off the bed.
“Jesus, Luce.” Josh mutters.
My gaze locks onto Josh's, and my stomach churns with a mix of emotions. The anger inside me is a blazing inferno, hotter than anything I've ever felt before. I can feel the heat rising to my face as I stare into the eyes of the man I once trusted above anyone else. I’d had idle thoughts of them dating, but not this.
My fists clench at my sides, and I can feel the muscles in my jaw tightening. Every fiber of my being is screaming with the need to lash out, to unleash the full force of my fury on him. But I hold myself back, barely. My teeth grind together as I try to control the rage that threatens to consume me. I don't trust myself to speak, afraid of what might come out of my mouth. So I continue to stare at him, my eyes burning with the intensity of my emotions.
“What the fuck have you done?” I spit, glaring at him. I can’t even bring myself to look at Lauren. I’ve fucking failed her. I brought her here to protect her and I couldn’t even do that. I try to wrest my arms from the hands of the two men holding me back, but they are way too strong.
“I think we need to go outside and calm down for a minute,” Alexander to my left says. I don’t want to go anywhere and leave Lauren with Josh, but I’m given no choice as I’m dragged kicking and screaming from the room.
When we are close to the shore line, they throw me down into the sand.
“Fucking hell, Lucinda,” Nolan mutters. “You could have killed him.”
“What is wrong with you two?” I pull myself up into a standing position. “I am going to fucking kill him and if you two don’t get out of my way, I’ll kill you too.”
I know it’s big words coming from someone who is inches shorter than both of them. But I’ve got enough rage in me right now to down an elephant. An anxious glance passes between them, but they must see how serious I am, because they part to let me pass. Not that they need to, because Josh is already outside. He’s wearing boxers which I saw on the bedroom floor a moment ago. So he was naked.
“You’re a fucking monster,” I scream at him. Angry tears stream down my face as I march over to where he’s standing in the doorway. “I thought I could trust you which I guess makes me a fucking moron. I thought after years of living in Hollywood, I’d learnt to spot predators, but I guess I was wrong.”
“Will you shut the fuck up for one minute, Luce. This isn’t what you think it is.”
God. Talk about a cliché. And bullshit to boot. My anger boils over at his condescending tone and my fists clench at my sides. “Get the fuck out of my way, Joshua Nix. I’m getting Lauren and we’re getting the fuck off this island.
“How?” he scoffs. “There's only one boat.”
I take a step closer to him, my eyes blazing with fury. “I only need one boat,” I growl, my voice low and dangerous. The muscles in my arms tense as I resist the urge to lash out at him again.
He grabs my wrist. It stings but I won’t give him the satisfaction of crying out.
“I always thought Lauren was the blind one of the family, but you need to open your eyes, Lucinda.”
I pull my wrist away from his grasp, my eyes fixed on his face. The anger and betrayal simmer just below the surface, waiting to boil over at any moment. “Open my eyes?” I hiss through gritted teeth. “You were in bed naked with Lauren.” Even as I say it, I feel poison running through my veins. I’m too angry to be upset, but I know it will come and I’m nowhere near close enough to being ready for it.
“She came to me.”
I’m almost too surprised to speak. “No she didn’t?” My voice is now so high; I’d be surprised if anyone but dogs could hear it.
“Think about it for a second. If I went to her, you’d find us in her room.”