Page 6 of Be My Sacrifice

“I agree, son. Do not fail me, Ezekiel, or I will do more than follow through with my threats. I will make sure you die along with them.” He motions to one of the guards, and they slice a blade across my leg before kicking me.

“There now, little prince. You won’t be getting very far now, will you?” The guard cackles as they force me back to my feet, and my leg trembles beneath my heavy weight.

Chapter four

The Protector


Thehorrorofthesituation that we find ourselves in races through my mind.Fuck, there are too many of them for just the four of us to fight off, weaponless. I watch with terror as the guard holding on mercilessly to Dinah snaps her wrist, and dislocates her arm. The scream of pain she releases has acid rising in the back of my throat. I have to get to her, and I have to get her out of here before they kill her.

She continues to try to break free from the guard’s hold, her arm hanging limp and useless at her side, as another guard holds a sharp blade at her throat. “Stay still, whore,” the one with the blade growls to her, tightening his grip on her dark tresses. One jerk of motion is all it would take for him to slit her throat, and I would be forced to watch her bleed out in front of my eyes. I could lose her right here, right now, while I am powerless to stop it from happening. It’s my greatest nightmare brought to life.I can’t fucking lose her, fuck, no, I have to get us out of here.

“Dinah, baby, don’t fight, please,” I shout in panic, my voice loud in the room before I get punched again by the gorilla holding me captive. Dinah tries to turn in my direction, and it’s on the tip of my tongue to beg her not to anger them further, even though I know she won’t listen.How am I going to get her to safety? How am I going to kill everyone in this room who has played a role in hurting her?

Ezekiel is still missing from the room, having been dragged out by a few guards and his tyrant of a father. Further, worry is starting to set in on whether he will return at all. Would his father really murder him out in the hall?Yes, Noah Rothesay is a psychopath, and murdering his only son would be the lesser of his sins.I’m wracking my brain, trying to understand how any of this is happening. I was in the room with them. I watched his father and Abraham’s take hit after hit of coke. How is he here now, completely sober?Impossible.

Did Ezekiel and Abraham betray us? Was this all a setup? Were they only interested in using Dinah, and now that they have, are they ready to discard her? Is that what is happening here? My eyes roam over to Abraham, who is actively trying his best to break free and get to Dinah. The panic all over his features, and how he won’t stay down no matter what they do to him, has me backtracking on my thoughts.No, I can’t believe he would be a part of this, because he cares for her. He’s willing to risk his own life to save her.

“Motherfucker, I am going to kill you!” Abraham shouts and tries to dislodge his captor’s grip once again. His body is already covered in so much blood and red blooming marks, but still, he persists in trying to get to my Nightstar.

“I’m going to feed you both your dicks,” Dinah rages against the two holding her in their vicious and unrelenting grips. She tries to get to her knees, but they force her right back down. Even in this deadly moment, covered in blood, bruises, and in so much pain from her injuries, I can’t help but admire her strength of will. She will never go willingly or meekly into death if that is to be our fate, which right now is almost a certainty.

The minutes drag on, feeling like a never-ending terror-filled eternity as we all continue to fight against our captors. Ezekiel has not gone peacefully; he’s fighting back just like we are. I regret doubting him and his intentions towards Dinah. He is one of us. We can hear the proof from the shouting and fighting coming from the hallway, before it all goes deadly silent.Fuck!Have they killed him? Is Ezekiel dead, and will they come for Dinah now? Nausea and fear race through me, as I try to take out the feet of the guard next to me.

The sound of retching has my attention returning immediately to Dinah, as she tries to lean her face away from her trembling body and vomits all the contents of her stomach, as she cradles her broken arm to her chest.Fuck, how many hits has she taken to her head? Does she have a concussion?I have to get us out of here. I have to fucking save her. We can’t die here, and I can’t allow them to kill her.

The guard closest to her leans down and whispers something I can’t hear, but based on the sickening look on his face, I can guess how horrid it must be. Dinah strikes forward, her teeth latching onto his cheek, as he screams in pain and slams his fist into her jaw, so hard that I hear the crack from where I am trying again to push against the two holding me.DINAH!

I use all my energy, pushing hard and raising my knee into one of their stomachs. I don’t make it any further before the door opens, and Ezekiel is harshly shoved back into the room. His bottom lip is bleeding, and one of his eyes is starting to swell shut. As he trips forward, falling to his knees, I immediately notice all the blood dribbling down his bare leg from a deep cut on his inner thigh. He tries to fight off the impenetrable hold the two fuckers have on him with no luck.Jesus, what the fuck!

His terrified eyes meet Dinah’s, and in their depths, I see the reality of our deaths before he forces his gaze to meet Abraham’s. There is almost an apologetic look on his face, as if he is already begging for forgiveness. The question is, forgiveness for what? Was he the one to put this all in motion? Is he a traitor, after all?

“Snow!” Ezekiel shouts before one of the guards slaps him hard across the face. “Keep silent, broken prince.” He lets out a sinister laugh that raises my hackles even further.

NoahfuckingRothesay saunters back into the room as if this was a social event, and he wasn’t holding us all naked and captive at gunpoint. The metal of a bloody blade glints in the light and has my stomach dropping, as a menacing smile breaks across his face.

“Oh, little goddaughter, how wicked you have been. Who would have ever imagined that little Dinah Camrose was theUnholy Ghost?”

FUCKING HELL!Fuck, he knows, he knows that she is theUnholy Ghost. There is no way that he will allow her to live now. I have to get to her. I have to save her. He’s going to end my Nightstar’s life, and set himself up as the savior of the Brotherhood.

He resembles a demon as he stands there before the owner of my heart, threatening her precious life. “You, my dear, are a serial killer and a devil in disguise. The devil does send his minions in the most delectable packages. You are his daughter, a sinner.” Repulsion fills me as his eyes slide all over her naked and battered flesh, lingering on her exposed pussy, and the tattoos I placed on her skin.


She is mine, and he has no right to look at her. I am going to rip his fucking eyeballs right from his fucking head and feed them to him, and then I’ll massacre everyone else in this room that had the audacity to look at my Nightstar, never mind fucking touch her.

“Ask for redemption, Dinah, and your Lord may still save you. Kneel at my feet, demon. Prostrate yourself at his altar, and I will pull you from the fires of hell.” Noah toys with Dinah, giving her false hope that he won’t be murdering her, but I know the truth. There is no possible way that he will let her go.

“Come closer and give me that blade, and you will see just how much of a devil I am.” Dinah strikes out quickly before her guards can stop her, and tries to land a blow to Noah’s leg, but he’s quicker and moves out of her reach.

“Hold her tight, since it seems she has yet to learn her place. The lesson must be repeated until she understands that she is nothing.” Noah nods towards the two guards, holding Dinah tight. She struggles in their grasp, but with only one arm cooperating, trying to free herself is useless. My heart pounds loudly in my chest, and my breathing is harsh as I try to get air inside with the overwhelming terror that is encasing me.Please don’t let her die, please don’t let her die.The mantra runs on a loop inside my mind.

“Father… please!” Zeke screams as he attempts to break away from the guard restraining him.

Noah quickly darts forward, the blade still in his hand, and in the next second, he plunges it deep into the side of Dinah’s stomach until only the handle is visible. An agonized scream tears from Dinah’s mouth, at the same time a scream leaves mine. She starts to fall forward, the guards releasing their hold on her before Noah yanks the blade out, and crimson blood gushes out of the wound and coats her naked flesh.