“Atasi!” Abraham shouts with desperation, as he once again attempts to rise to his feet, but one of the guards slams his arm into his back with a thud, and another kicks him in his side, and he goes down again.
“DINAH! I’m going to kill you, old man!” I scream with rage and terror, before another blow is delivered to my stomach that has me coughing out the air trapped in my lungs.I must save her. I can’t let her die.
I catch Noah turning to stare at Ezekiel out of the corner of my eye. “You see, Dinah, you cannot fully corrupt my useless son with your sinful ways. There is still a part of him that belongs to me and the Brotherhood. Isn’t that right, son?” Noah smirks as he stares at Ezekiel, and wipes his blood-stained hands on his pants. Blood that belongs to my beautiful Nightstar that is quickly emptying out of her.
“No...” The word leaves Dinah’s mouth, almost too low for me to hear it, as blood bubbles from her lips.
Noah crouches down before her, his hate and jubilation for her clearly on display. “You have made the right choice here, Ezekiel, just like you did when it came to that traitor Gabriel Camrose. He was a threat to our holy Order, just like she is.”
I watch with a sickening feeling as Noah drags a bloody digit down Dinah’s cheek while my brain processes his words.Motherfucker!He betrayed his best friend and lover; he betrayed Gabriel, after all, and now he’s betraying Dinah.
“Don’t touch her!” Ezekiel yells as he tries again to release himself.
“You were right not to give him a warning, son, when we discovered that he was plotting with the rebels to overthrow our government.” Noah’s demonic lips tip up, ignoring Ezekiel’s attempts to free himself. “You shall do the right thing again, Ezekiel. You shall honor your vows to the Brotherhood, where you will grow in power, son,” Noah replies to his son’s demand with no fear evident.
A shocked gasp escapes from Abraham, causing him to momentarily cease his attempt to gain his freedom from the fuckers holding him. His enraged glare shifts from Noah to Ezekiel, devastation present on his face, before he returns to his reality and tries again to break free from the guard’s hold.
“I’LL FUCKING KILL YOU. I’LL KILL YOU ALL!” A guard manages to slam his knee into Abraham’s face, the sound of something breaking, mixing with the sounds all around us, before Abraham falls to the floor with a grunt, and blood surrounds him.
“YOU FUCKING TRAITOR!” I yell as I push against the guards, managing to nail one with my elbow before being tackled back down. I will fucking kill Ezekiel Rothesay for betraying my Nightstar. If it is the last thing I do, I will ensure I take him to hell with me.
“ATASI!” Abraham tries pitifully to drag his large body across the floor towards Dinah, his panting loud and ragged, as blood continues to gush out of his face. I lose track of him as I try to force myself back to my knees, even though the weight of the guards is crushing me.I have to get to Dinah. I have to save her.
I should have fucking killed Ezekiel Rothesay weeks ago. I should have followed my intuition that he would lead us to our deaths. He never cared for her, only for himself.Fuck, how could I have allowed this to happen? I failed her. I failed her, and she will pay with her life.
Abraham continues to fight against those trying to hold him down, as he attempts to move toward Dinah and Ezekiel. “WHAT THE FUCK IS HE TALKING ABOUT, ZEKE! How could you fucking do this? Tell me they’re lying! TELL ME!”
“I’ll fucking kill you, Noah! I’ll kill you all! Release me!” Abraham’s hoarse voice vibrates across the room, as three guards try their best to restrain his large frame, and struggle with his momentum.
I lose sight of Noah, Dinah, and Ezekiel, as more guards jump into the fray of trying to hold Abraham and me back, but Noah’s words break through the madness. “I warned you, Ezekiel. When you made your threats, you forced my hand, son. I knew the day would come when you’d pay, and here it is wrapped in a pretty package.”
“Don’t make me do this, please. Please, Father,” Ezekiel begs loudly, but I can’t get him in my sights; too many bodies are between me and that fucking traitor.
Noah continues, as if his only son wasn’t begging him for mercy. “You see, son, just like Icarus, you flew too close to the sun. And just like him, you have fallen from the sky, crashing down into the merciless sea. You’ve fallen from grace.”
Noah briefly moves back into my sightline, his glare fixated on a struggling Abraham. “You have broken our laws, Ezekiel. You have allowed your Sacred Wife to be defiled by a man of sin, a lowly guard. You have corrupted another Order brother to commit sins against the Brotherhood, and our Lord and Savior, with you.”
A shout rents the air as, once again, the guards manage to tase Abraham, forcing him back down to the ground with a loud crash. “And if none of that was sinful enough, your Sacred Wife is a psychopathic murderer, who kills members of the Brotherhood. Her soul cannot and will not be redeemed. She has doomed herself to eternal suffering in hell, where she belongs. To save you, boy, and cleanse you of your sins, this temptress and murderer must die.”
“DINAH!” I shout, needing to hear her voice even if I can’t see her. No, this can’t end like this; I can’t fucking lose her after everything we have been through, everything we have survived.
“You fucking traitor! I’m going to fucking kill you, Zeke! How could you betray her? How could you do that to Gabriel?” Abraham shouts with panic, shoving as hard as he can to break the hold of the guards overwhelming him.
“You’ve finally done the right thing, son. By choosing to sacrifice the whore, this demon trying to corrupt you, and save yourself, you will be forgiven. All of your sins will be cleansed. The Holy Father doesn’t need to cast you into the fires of hell. When the time is right, you will be given another Sacred Wife, and this one will be wiped from the pages of history.Forgotten.”
“You piece of fucking shit!” I yell out, slamming my knee into the man in front of me. He wouldn’t dare sacrifice Dinah, would he? He wouldn’t fall in line with his father’s demands.FUCK!I will end him if he does. He won’t see another sunrise if my Nightstar dies.
“Her fortune is yours, son. You have gained even though you have sinned. You will serve penance, but then you will see everything will be alright in the end,” Noah continues on despite everything that is going on around him, and Ezekiel doesnothingto stop him.Fucking Judas.
“That’s why you betrayed us? Her fucking fortune?” Abe grunts out with pain.
“Take the blade, son. Do the Lord’s work. Cleanse the earth of this disgusting sinner. The Brotherhood commands you to do your duty. If you don’t, she will still die, Ezekiel, but we will torture her first. Each taking a turn with her and making her pay for each of her sins, one by one, and of those, there are many.” Noah glares down at his son, the look of pure madness across his face as he urges him to take my Nightstar’s life.
“ZEKE! Don’t… fucking… do… this,” Abe screams, his voice shattered from all his shouting and the emotions overtaking him.
Ezekiel falls to his knees before Dinah, taking the blade from his father’s hand. His head remains downcast, refusing to meet Dinah’s eyes as her face pleads with him for mercy. He swipes his hand across his face, painting it with the blood of the woman I love more than anything in this world—my only reason for living, my soulmate, my Nightstar.
“Don’t do this, Ezekiel! Please, don’t do this!” My screams are being ripped from my very soul as diamond tears slide down Dinah’s face. No, I can’t lose her like this. This can’t be where our love story ends. I haven’t had enough time with her. The years we spent together were too short. I can see that she’s giving up, accepting her fate. Her fate to die at this betrayer’s hands.