I grinned and shimmied against him. “Yes, your cousin is awesome! Ohhh, we can call this one Dirty December!”
Daddy let out a throaty chuckle, gripped my face, pulled me down, and gave me a quick kiss. That quick kiss turned into a deep, searing one that got me all revved up. Rolling us over so he was on top—just where I loved him best—he gripped the hair at the nape of my neck and tugged. Fuck, that felt good.
Every gaze we shared, every touch and caress between us, and yes, every punishment he doled out was always filled with unlimited amounts of love, possession, and obsession. To some, those last two might seem like giant red flags. But between us, it was a requirement, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. From the beginning, our feelings were mutual. We’d both kill and die for each other.
“Our anniversary was just as good as the first night we met. Maybe each year we choose a new kink to add to that roleplay. That reminds me,” he said, as he rubbed at the makeup job around my eye. “Did Gabrielle come over to make you look like you’d really been punched?”
I snorted because I’d completely forgotten about the fake black eye. “Yes, wasn’t it amazing? He should do makeup for movies out in Hollywood. Though I doubt Luca would approve if it took Gabrielle away from him.”
“Yeah, strict Doms rarely enjoy being away from their subs for any length of time. Now, enough of that. Let’s shower and get changed so we can head home to a nice breakfast.”
“Mmmm, I want French toast. You think Isabella would make me some?”
He grabbed my hand, tugging me up and out of the bed. “You know you’re her favorite person in the damn compound. But I’ll make sure she knows you want it today.”
“Thank you for always taking care of me, Daddy. I love you.”
“You’re welcome, baby boy. I love you too.”
The End