Page 161 of Naughty November

Mmm, fuck, I was so looking forward to that. Grinning, I poked Daddy in the stomach. “Iknewyou’d love the Naughty November kink list little Gabrielle showed us at Club Vertigo. Your cousin Luca has a depraved mind, coming up with all those kinks and posting it on the club’s website. And that was only day fifteen of thirty on the list! We have so many more to try.”

“Mmm,” Daddy agreed, grabbing the finger I’d poked him with and biting it playfully. “Maybe later, when I think you’ve taken your punishment well, we can watch the video and pick another kink from the list to cross off.”

“Oh! Yes, yes, yes!” Loving the sound of that, I wiggled around on the bed until I’d pushed him onto his back and sat on his hardening cock, loving the sensation of it resting between my cheeks. I ground down on it and leaned down to kiss him when my brain processed the rest of what he’d said and I sat up, crossing my arms over my chest. “Hey, what did you mean by taking my punishment?!”

“No pouting, little one.”

Romeo’s smirk had my dick leaking again because, holy fuck, the man was and would always be my kryptonite. And he was mine. All mine. He undulated his hips underneath me at the same time he gripped my dick in his fist; the sensation sending a shiver up my spine as my eyes rolled back.

“Daddy, stop teasing me! I’m grumpy. You can’t distract me like that and order me not to pout. It’s my face. I can do whatever I want with it.”

Romeo released my dick and gripped my throat so hard and fast I didn’t have time to prepare myself. “Can you, though?”

His growl reverberated through my body as I met his narrow-eyedgaze. All the fight went out of me, and I slumped against his hand. Well, fuck. I’d crossed the line. Again. Why the fuck couldn’t I keep my mouth shut and my brain quiet?

I’d have a lot fewer throat bruises and spankings, that was for sure. Even though I not-so-secretly loved every mark and punishment I received. Not because I loved punishments or was a masochist, but because Daddy loved me enough to correct my behavior and straighten me out when I’d broken the rules.

I dropped my gaze from his and shook my head—as much as it was possible in his tight grip—and whispered gruffly, “No, Daddy, I can’t. My body is yours. I’m sorry. I misspoke. I’m so stupid sometimes, and I hate it when I don’t think before I speak.”

His grip loosened enough to slide up and grip my chin, raising my head to look into his eyes. How his expression could be both condemning and caring, I had no clue. But I saw both things clear as day.

“You’re forgiven, but watching that video together is off the table for the next two days. Because your mouth just got you into more trouble. Three offenses—the first one being last night during our scene in the locker room—in less than twenty-four hours is unacceptable. We’ll have to double up on the kink list some other time, because there will also be no sex at all today or tomorrow. You’ll also receive one hell of a spanking session later. And not the fun kind. Is that understood?”

My whole body deflated and tears filled my eyes. It was the literal worst punishment ever. Not only because he was withholding sex from me, but he was withholding it from himself as well. Which meant this went past breaking the rules and into disappointment territory, and if there was one thing I never wanted to do, it was disappoint Romeo.

I nodded, whispering, “Yes, Daddy. I’m so sorry.”

“I know you are, kitten.” His grip gentled and then both of his hands clasped my face, and he pulled me down into one of the softest kisses he’d ever given me. I sank into it, closing my eyes and letting the tears fall.

It was fairly common for me to be punished—he didn’t call me a brat for nothing—but usually I’d realize what I’d done immediatelyand keep myself from making things worse. If not, he delved out a harsher punishment.

He moved us around until he was resting back on the pillows and I was lying on top of him, my head under his chin. After several long moments, I bit my lip and then forced myself to sit up a bit to look at him. “I know I talked back to you about my pout and that I said I was stupid. But what did I do wrong in the locker room?”

He ran his thumb over my bottom lip I’d just been biting, a nonverbal reminder I wasn’t allowed to bite my lip. Shit, I was just fucking up all over the place, wasn’t I? I didn’t apologize this time because the look on his face let me know he didn’t expect or need one for that transgression.

“You were talking about your ADHD and you called your brain broken.”

Well, fuck. “Ugh. I’ve gotten so much better at not saying stuff like that about myself. I didn’t even realize I was doing it. I’m surprised you didn’t break character and chastise me.”

“Youhavegotten better. A lot better, which is why I delayed my punishments until now and also why they are more severe now as well. You need a harsh reminder to get you back in line. And I’d never stop a scene that means so much to us both.”

A small smile crept across my face, and I leaned down to kiss him. “I love when we pretend like that. It keeps things new and exciting. But the anniversary roleplay was hands down the best roleplaying we’ve ever done.”

Daddy leaned his head back, letting out a deep laugh, and I grinned, loving that joyful sound. “You wouldn’t know it’s the best one we’ve ever done, you were drugged.”

I pulled my lips between my teeth to keep from grinning, but then grew serious and clasped his face. “I do know, though. Because you love me so deeply, you would have done anything to make last night special.”

I leaned down and gave him a very thorough kiss before pulling back. We grew serious, knowing what I said was true and that was a big deal for both of us. Finding each other in such a unique way feltlike it was meant to be. Kismet. Serendipity. Whatever you wanted to call it.

He’d walked into the locker room that night when I was at my most vulnerable. He’d been larger than life, and I’d had no idea who he really was. I’d fallen in love with him at first sight. Finding out the next day that he wastheBoss of bosses in Blackthorne Hollow was an absolute mind fuck. Sure, I’d heard of him. Hell, everyone knew about the Ares family, and Romeo Ares was the name whispered in dark corners. Everyone avoided getting on the bad side of the scary as fuck crime boss. He was as equally feared as he was revered. But before that night, I’d never seen him before.

It probably should have had me running for the hills. But I knew that night, deep down, that he was it for me and that would never change. Everything about the night before was exactly how things had played out on that night, a year ago… except for the somno. I’d been wide awake and aware of everything he’d done to my body that night and known it would become an addiction. One I’d never want to recover from.

“That’s true, kitten. And my love for you will only grow the longer we’re together. So you can bet your sweet round ass the roleplaying and being able to relive the first night we met on our anniversary was one of your better ideas, and one I’d love to repeat every year.”

“I can’t wait to watch what you did to me last night. Thank you for trying all these new things from that list. I think I’ll be sad when Naughty November is over.”

Chuckling, he winked and admitted, “I’ve already spoken to Luca about continuing the lists as long as he can and posting them on the website for his club. They may branch out into specific challenges, but he said he’d figure something out.”