Page 77 of Luke

“Okay. Any news?”

“Yeah, we’re probably all going down for this.”


“Craig said the sheriff was at the hospital this morning.”

“What hospital?”

Mick gritted his teeth. “The one Bryce works at.” He sighed. “Craig thinks she saw him and called the sheriff. It’s over, Sally. I’m done.”

“Yeah, you’re done alright.” She turned to walk to the door.

“So are you,” he said quietly, making her turn around to face him.

She shook her head. “Oh, no you don’t. There is no proof of me being involved.”

He smirked. “Don’t bet on it. Now, get the hell out of my office.”

She opened the door “And you get the hell out of my house.”

Mick jerked when she slammed the door. It was time he got the hell out of Minnesota.


Luke wanted to go straight to Bryce’s apartment in Clifton, but he knew he had to stop at Fred Hancock’s place first. It was important for Fred to know that his son had been arrested. Luke was relieved knowing that Bryce was safe, and Sam would make sure of it.

He slowed the truck down as he pulled into the driveway of the Hancock ranch and stopped by the porch. He got out of his truck, walked up the steps, across the porch, and knocked on the door.

Mr. Hancock greeted him with a smile. “Luke, come inside, son.”

“How are you feeling? How did the surgery go?”

“I’m doing great; they were able to remove all the cancer. I can live without one ball.”

Luke chuckled. “Sure, you can.”


“No thank you. Can we sit?”

“Of course. I have a feeling you’re not here just to catch up.” They both took a seat.

“I’m sorry, Fred. I had to arrest your son for stealing your horses.”

“Damn it.” Fred shook his head. “I don’t understand where I went wrong with him.”

“You didn’t do anything wrong. He’s a grown man; he made this decision himself.” Luke took a deep breath. “Do you know why his wife divorced him?”

“He told me she was cheating on him. I never believed it though. I knew Maggie well enough to know she wouldn’t do something like that.”

“He... he hit her. In fact, he’d been arrested for domestic abuse three years ago, but he got out on a technicality. I don’t know much more about it.”

“That son of a bitch! No, I won’t call my own son that and disrespect my late wife. He’s a prick. It pains me to say that about my own flesh and blood, but it’s true. Somewhere along the line, something went wrong with him. If I had known he was hurting Maggie, I would have kicked his ass myself.” He shook his head. “I can’t believe him.”

“We still don’t know where the horses are, but we’re looking into a phone number. He was on the phone talking about selling them for ten thousand dollars each. He didn’t realize I had entered the room.”

Fred chuckled. “I bet he nearly pissed himself when he saw you.”