Page 76 of Luke

“I don’t and please call me Bryce.”

“Thank you, I will.”

She watched him walk toward the window and gaze out. Did all the good-looking men live in his area?

“That’s a hell of a thing to think of at a time like this,” she murmured as she made him a cup of coffee. She noticed he wore a wedding band too.

“Ma’am?” The deputy looked at her.

“Nothing. Talking to myself.” She handed him the cup.

“Yes, ma’am. Thank you.”

“Do you mind if I change my clothes?”

“Of course not. Just act as if I’m not here.” He smiled.

She mentally snorted. Like that would happen. Like she’d have a deputy in her apartment every day. Shaking her head, she entered her bedroom, closed the door, and changed into a T-shirt and comfy jeans. When she entered the living room, she saw the deputy squatted down in front of Leah, and she was grinning at him. Luke was right, she was a flirt.

“Do you have children, Deputy?”

He grinned. “No, ma’am. I haven’t been married very long, but we hope to one day.” He looked at Leah. “She’s a beautiful little girl. That’s a lot of hair.”

Bryce laughed. “I think that’s the first thing people notice about her.”

He straightened up and looked at her. “Do you need anything?”

“No, thank you. I’m just going to sit here and try to relax.”

“Yes, ma’am.” He handed her his card. “Call or text me if you do. I’ll be in my cruiser.”

“Thank you, Deputy Townson.”

“Yes, ma’am. Call me Logan.” He placed his empty cup in the sink, touched the brim of his hat, walked to the door, then looked at her. “Lock this behind me.” He looked at the locks. “All of them.” Then he left, closing the door behind him.


Mick picked up the phone when he saw Craig’s number. “Did you get her?”

“No. We have a problem. I think she saw me because the sheriff showed up at the hospital.”

“Son of a bitch! You idiot. Get the fuck out of there.”

“What about the baby?”

“I don’t give a rat’s ass about that kid now. I’ll deal with Sally.” Mick ran his hand around the nape of his neck. “Damn it. You weren’t supposed to let her see you! You stupid motherfucker,” he muttered.

“Look, I did what you told me to do and I’m sick of you calling me names. I’m telling you now, Burns, if I go down, you’re going down with me.” Craig hung up.

Mick stood up, making his chair roll back into the wall, then he threw his phone. He hoped it would break this time.

When he moved to sit down, his ass hit the floor. “Son of a bitch!”

He pulled himself up as the door opened and Sally entered.

“What are you doing on the floor?”

“Nothing,” he snapped.