Page 66 of Luke

“That’s what I was thinking. I’m sure Connie would know someone.”

“I’m sure.” Luke yawned. “Damn, I’m tired.”

“Then let’s wash and get out. I’m ready for some sleep too. It will be nice not having to get up every few hours.”

“When will she sleep through the night?”

“I think around six months. I can’t believe she’ll be three months old soon.”

“She’ll be walking before you know it.” He yawned again. “Damn, we’d better get out before I fall asleep in here.”

“Okay.” Bryce used the soap to wash with and handed it to Luke. Once they were done, they got out, dried off, and entered the bedroom. She pulled a T-shirt and her lounge pants from the bag and pulled them on.

Luke pulled the blankets back, and slid in under them, then she got in beside him. He kissed her lips.

“Goodnight, baby.”

“Goodnight, Luke.”

He kissed her forehead. “I love you.”

“I love you back.” She smiled, closed her eyes and drifted off.

Chapter Ten

Monday morning, Luke arrived at the office and went straight to his desk. He took off his hat and coat before sitting down and opening his computer. He searched for information on Frederick Hancock, Jr. and any connections he may have had.

Luke also made a few phone calls and discovered some troubling things about Hancock. He had been arrested three years ago for domestic violence against his wife, who later divorced him. This solidified Luke’s dislike for the man, and he clenched his jaw as he read more about Hancock’s history of gambling and mistreatment of his wife. If Hancock were in front of him right now, Luke would happily knock him on his ass.

“Hey, Luke,” Beau greeted him as he sat down at his own desk.

“Hey, Beau.”

“You look pissed. What’s going on?”

“I want to arrest this bastard, but I need more evidence.”

“Hancock’s son?”

“Yeah.” Luke had filled Beau in on Hancock during dinner with their parents the previous evening.

“Are you getting closer to finding something?”

“I’m getting there. His ex-wife hates him and promised to see if she could find out who he’s been hanging out with. She still keeps in touch with a friend who is married to one of Hancock’s old acquaintances.”

“Maybe she’ll uncover something useful. Otherwise, it’ll just be hearsay.”

“I know. Damn, I really want to nail this guy, Beau.”

“I understand. Let me know if you need anything. Oh, and do me a favor. Stop letting Brenna hold Leah.”

Luke chuckled. “Is she ready for a baby?”

“Yes,” Beau growled.

“Well, she should have one... or five.”

“Leah is adorable, but Brenna and I just got married.”