Page 67 of Luke

“So? Bryce and I aren’t married.”

“You’re in love with her.”

Luke nodded. “I am. I never thought I’d fall for anyone, but I’m head over heels for her.”

“I’m glad to hear it. I thought you’d always be a bachelor. That little girl has you wrapped around her finger.”

“Yep, and so does her mama.” Luke shrugged. “I couldn’t be happier.”

“Good. It’s about time.”

Luke’s desk phone rang, so he answered it and got back to work. As he made calls and worked on files, he couldn’t help but wonder how Bryce was doing at her new job. She had been excited when they talked about it last night, and he hoped everything was going well for her.

During lunchtime, Luke walked over to the diner. As he crossed the street, he thought he saw the man he had talked to in the elevator, but when he stopped to double-check, the man was nowhere in sight. Shaking his head mentally, Luke dismissed it as his imagination playing tricks on him. But he still had a gut feeling that the man was real and not just a figment of his imagination. He trusted his instincts, which were rarely wrong, and prided himself on following them.

When Luke entered the diner, the bell above the door jingled, and he greeted the people who called out or waved at him. Lanie poured him a cup of coffee as he took a seat at the counter.

“Hey, Luke. What’ll it be today?”

“The usual, please, Lanie.”

“It’s a beautiful day out there, isn’t it?”

“For early April, yes. Maybe we’re finally done with snow.”

Lanie chuckled. “Yeah, right.”

Luke joined in her laughter. “You never know around here.”

“I love the snow, but I’m ready for spring. Your meal will be out soon.”

“Thank you.”

As he waited, his phone buzzed, and he pulled it out from his coat to see Maggie Lancaster’s number, Hancock’s ex-wife. He took a deep breath and stood up, gesturing at his phone as he looked at Lanie. “I need to take this call. I’ll be right back.” Then he stepped outside.

“Agent McCallister.”

“Agent McCallister, this is Maggie Lancaster. I no longer use Hancock. I use my maiden name. I want nothing to do with that man. I got your message. I spoke with Sharon Waters a few weeks ago, and she mentioned that Frederick had tried to borrow money from her husband. When they argued, Lenny suggested Frederick ask his father for the money, but Frederick said his father was no longer giving him any. Sharon also told me that Lenny joked about the value of his father’s horses.”

Luke’s heart skipped a beat. “Well, damn. That could have been all the motivation he needed. Do you think either of them would be willing to speak with me?”

“They’re good people so I believe they would talk to you.” She gave him their contact information and address then he saved it in his phone.

“Thank you for your help.”

“I loved Fred Hancock, and hated how his son treated him. I hope this leads to some justice for him, Agent.”

“Thanks again, Ms. Lancaster.”

“You’re welcome.” She hung up.

Luke leaned against the building and let out a sigh of relief. “I’ve got you now, you son of a bitch.”

He pushed off the wall and returned to the diner, taking a seat and enjoying his lunch.

When he returned to the office, he immediately went to Dave’s office to tell him about the phone call.

“Where do the Waters’ family live?”