“You gave the money to me. I’ve come to rely on that extra income, Aiden. You can’t just take my business,” she snaps.
“The business you paid for with my money. I could tell a judge I loaned you that in good faith. There’s a clear paper trail from my account to yours. A small claims court would cost you a fortune in fees, which you’d have to pay should I win.”
She falls silent for a few seconds. “Aiden, please don’t do this to me. You have the clubs and a bar and half of myshop. I have nothing if you take the rest. You don’t need to do this. At least offer me a fair price.”
I scoff. “I already paid. It’s just business, Bella. Nothing personal. Besides, Laurie had the baby. I’m waiting on the results, but if he’s mine, I’ll need the extra money to pay towards my sons’ upkeep.” I don’t know why I say it. It must hurt her since she lost our baby, but it flows out of my mouth before I can talk sense into my brain.
“Congratulations,” she mutters, “Considering you didn’t want a kid you’re pretty keen on stepping up.”
“I didn’t say I didn’t want a kid, Isabella, I said I didn’t want one with you.”
“Jesus Aiden, do you sit and practice nasty lines to throw at me? Were you bored so you thought to yourself, I’ll give my ex a call seeing as I hate her so damn much, and I’ll throw some shit at her to ruin her fucking day. Well, mission accomplished, you’ve ruined my day so well done you. You aren’t having the business, I need it. So, take me to every court in the world, the answer won’t change. I moved away, I gave you half, I left my friends and still you want to destroy me.”
“Bella, calm down, think about your blood pressure.” I hear a male’s voice and my skin prickles.Is she ill?She covers the mouthpiece, so I can’t hear what’s being said, and then she comes back on the line, “Aiden, I have to go.”
“Have you moved on, Bella?” I find myself asking. I close my eyes, waiting for the answer.
“I’m happy here, Aiden, and I won’t be coming back, so you can relax. Good luck with Laurie and the baby, I hope it’s the outcome you want. See you in court.” She disconnects the call.
I stare at my mobile with my heart twisting painfully. I’d never really thought about Bella never coming back.
My mobile vibrates across the polished desk, making a loud humming sound. It’s the doctor. I snatch the phone up and connect the call. “Aiden, I have your results in. Congratulations, you’ve had a lucky escape, he isn’t yours.”
Relief floods my body and a weight lifts from my shoulders. I release a long breath, Thanks, Doc. Can you email me the results so I can forward them to Laurie.”
I pull the results up and call Laurie. “Hey gorgeous,” she purrs, and I roll my eyes, motherhood hasn’t changed her.
“Laurie, he’s not mine.”
She lets out a frustrated cry and I move the receiver from my ear on a wince. It’s clearly not the news she was hoping for. “He has to be, he looks just like you.”
“I’ve sent the results to your email, Laurie. He isn’t mine. I suggest you concentrate on being a good mum and sorting your marriage out.”
She begins to sob, “Can I still see you?”
“No Laurie, I’ve moved on. We need to accept that we were over years ago. It was sex and nothing more.” She hangs up on me. That’s two women I’ve upset in one day, I’m on a roll.
I send a text to Bella.
Me: Good news, the baby isn’t mine. Keep your share of the business. It was good to hear your voice, Bella. I’ve missed you yelling at me. Aiden x
I wait for her reply, it comes a few minutes later.
Bella: I’m sad you are so full of hate. You could be happy, but you choose not to be. Take care.
Bella’s right. It’s time to let go of the hate and move forward. Her and Laurie are out of my life. Maybe I need to find someone that will make me happy.
Later, When I tell Raff my plans to start dating, they laugh so much, they hold on to each other. I roll my eyes. “Fuck off. I can do this; it can’t be that hard.”
“You realise you have to stay faithful, you can’t be having orgies or other dates,” says Raff.
“And the dating app he signed up to was used purely for hook ups,” JP reminds him.
“If she’s the right one I won’t want to cheat, will I?”
JP nods. “That’s true, I don’t want to cheat on Aria.” Raff throws a dish towel at him.
“That’s because you’re scared of the nutter,” I laugh, and Raff high fives me.