Page 102 of High Stakes

I nod, “I know. He lied, I lied. And now I’m keeping more secrets.” I sigh. “You saw how he was before I left, Aria. I can’t risk being hurt all over again. He took half mybusiness just to spite me,” I say with an empty laugh. “He hates me and that’s no way to raise a child.”

“He was angry, Bella. We all say things when we’re upset.”

“I’m not taking the risk. He’s entitled to walk away, and I respect that. But I already lost one baby, and I won’t lose another. I’m not asking him for anything, so he doesn’t need to know.”

Aria takes my hand in a reassuring squeeze. “You’re right. He won’t find out from me.”

“Is he okay?” I didn’t plan on asking but it slips out.

Aria gives a shrug. “I don’t ask JP about anything Aiden related, and he doesn’t tell me. I’ve seen him a couple of times when he’s popped into the shop to get the books. He’s the same arrogant arse he’s always been.”

“And the business, how’s things working out?” I miss working with Aria, but I still send my designs to Guy to create, making sure to keep my stamp on the place. And he’s amazing at bringing my creations to light. I also run the website and do the books.

“I love Guy,” she says with a smile. “We have fun and if I can’t have you, he’s the next best thing.”

“That makes me feel better about deserting you,” I admit.

An hour later we join the guys in the pub. It’s still rammed with the farmers plus some other locals. The sunshine seems to have everyone out. JP is fitting in well and chatting with random locals, but it’s how this place is. It’s how I got sucked in.



“Honestly, it’s amazing, Raff. The views, the country girls.”

JP is going on about his recent visit to Scotland. It was so amazing they extended their stay and had five days instead of the two they were originally going for.

“Any chance you could get on with restocking the coolers instead of gossiping like a girl?” I snap. “Who the hell are you, talking about views? You sound like a pussy.” I scowl.

“Why are you at the bar anyway?” he mutters, grabbing a box of Bud off the bar and opening the fridge.

“I can work where I want,” I snap, scanning my eyes over the accounts book for the bakery. I don’t tell him it’s because I’m itching to know all about Bella and what she’s doing these days.

“Ignore him,” says Raff, “he’s been moody over anything Bella related.”

I scoff, “Whatever,” I mutter. “I’m not moody over these accounts, the place is running a tidy profit.” I smirk, “In fact, I’m regretting not taking it all.”

“She’s worked hard for that place, man,” JP mutters.

“Where is she now, JP? Not working her backside off in the shop. She’s ran off and left someone else in charge.”

I gather my paperwork and head for the office, JP is ruining my vibe, and I’ve come up with an idea . . . one that means I have an excuse to speak to Bella.

I sit at my desk and dial her number. After four rings the line connects. I hear a scuffling and a giggle,her giggle. My heart beats a little faster. Eventually she speaks. “Don’t hang up, one second.” She’s laughing. I wait patiently listening to any sounds that give me a clue to her new life. “Hello,” she finally says, sounding out of breath.

“Hey Bella, it’s Aiden.” It satisfies me to hear her sharp intake of breath.I still affect her.

“Oh, Hi.”

“I’ve just been looking over the books for the shop, it’s doing really well.”

“Erm, yeah it is, Guy’s doing a fantastic job at running it.”

“So, I was thinking. You were right before; I should take it all on.” There’s a pause and I wait to see how she’ll react. I miss our heated fights.

“Aiden, you can’t do that. I need that income. I didn’t fight you before because I felt guilty, but I will fight you on this,” she says clearly and calmly.

I can imagine that she’s pacing, panicking and trying to find all the reasons to convince me not to do this. “It was my money that paid for it,” I remind her with a smirk on my face.