She wasn’t and she was going to make sure of that.

It was nothing more than her being a klutz because she was afraid of turning her ankle, which had been busted almost two years ago.

Stupid Leo was still making her life miserable from the other side of the US.



Jarrett stepped out with Hudson and gave Jack and Andi time to talk.

“What do you think?” Hudson asked him.

“It’s most likely she tripped. There was no evidence otherwise.”

“I know you noticed the weapon on him,” Hudson said. “I didn’t need to be notified that he had it when he went through security.”

“Yep,” he said. “I checked with security and was told he is a US Marshal when he showed ID for the weapon. Which makes sense with how fast he got here. I haven’t had a chance to run his name or where he came from. I’m even betting he got a flight over on a state police helicopter too.”

“I noticed his stunned face when he found out you were the one that found her and was here questioning things,” Hudson said. “It was a good thing you decided to stay.”

“Something didn’t sit right with me when you talked to him earlier. I’m glad you didn’t let him know who it was that found her until he got here.”

They both turned when Jack came out of the room. “You can use a room in the back if you want.”

“Thanks,” Jarrett said. “I’ll see what he says. I’m thinking he might not want to leave her side and if that is the case, we need guards.”

“Investigator Bond,” Jack said, his hand going out. “I didn’t know you were the one to find Andi.”

“Her lucky day the fish weren’t biting,” he said. “Can we go somewhere and talk?”

“What’s there to talk about?” Jack said. “Andi tripped and fell. She’s always been a klutz. Even as a kid.”

Jarrett leaned in close. “I know you’re a US Marshal.”

“So?” Jack said. “I’m here as her cousin.”

“A few easy phone calls or checks in my computer will tell me where you flew in from. You said Andi has only lived here a few months and has no family.”

“A lot of people have a background like that,” Jack said, frowning.

“If you’re afraid to leave her room, I’ll have security come stand outside of it,” he said, testing things.

“She’s fine,” Jack said, sighing. “Where did you want to go and talk?”

The guy gave in too easily, which meant he didn’t want the prints run or to raise any suspicions.

“This way,” he said, moving down a hall. He pulled his badge out and the security buzzed him in and through another room. “Have a seat.”

“Do you think you’re going to interrogate me?” Jack asked, laughing.

“This is my island to protect,” Jarrett said. “Federal jurisdiction has nothing to do here unless you tell me otherwise. So if I want to ask a few friendly questions, then I’ll do that.”

Jack lifted his eyebrow. “My cousin lives here. I just realized it when she said it, but she works for someone most likely related to you.”

“Who is that?” he asked. “My family owns a lot of things on this island. You’ll have to be more specific.”

“Is that a threat?” Jack asked looking unimpressed or unbelieving.