“I believe it was a statement and part of this friendly conversation. The fact your back is up is only making me more suspicious.” He turned when the door opened and his brother walked in wearing his badge and a jacket with Amore Island Police on it. “Mac Bond, Amore Island Chief of Police, meet Jack Wilson, US Marshal.”
“I know who's on my island,” Mac said, leaning with his hand forward. “As I’m sure my brother has informed you, we protect what is ours. If there is a reason or a need for you to fly here as quickly as you have, and you want assistance, we can provide it.”
There was a time when Jarrett was the more diplomatic of the brothers, but his brother had to deal with more of these situations than him.
“Brothers?” Jack asked.
“We are,” Jarrett said. “Is that a problem? I’d think if your cousin was in trouble, you’d like to make sure she was protected or taken care of. Maybe someone to check in and keep an eye on things. Nothing leaves this room.”
Jack looked at the two of them. “You do know I can’t release anything to you, even if there was something to release. Andi’s my cousin and I’m her next of kin.”
“And we know you can if you want to. That is your choice,” Mac said. “All I care about is if trouble is coming to the island and if I need to keep an eye out for it. When I tell you our resources are extensive, I’m not lying to you. The ferries are owned by Bond family members. Security on the docks is highand monitored. Security in most of the hotels, those owned by Bond members, also have high levels and are easily released to me.”
“So you’re saying if there was anyone to be on the lookout for, you’d know if they stepped foot on the island?” Jack asked.
“We would,” Jarrett said. “Unless they came over on a private boat which rarely happens. By helicopter, they’d have to land at Bond Charter, which is the only strip on the island.”
Privateaircraftsdid fly in and out at times but not often.
Jack seemed to weigh his words. “There isn’t a problem right now. It’s as Andi said. She tripped. She’s always been a little klutzy. After her ankle broke, she’s careful about it. She wasn’t happy being on crutches and not being able to work for weeks.”
“You said she worked for a Bond family member?” Mac asked. “Who and where? We can ask her, but we’re asking you.”
“She’s a hairstylist. She rents a chair or whatever it’s called from Amanda Bond. She just reminded me of that. I didn’t put the names together when you introduced yourself. Is Amanda related to you?”
“Married to a cousin,” Jarrett said. Not the same branch and not even that close of a cousin in terms of blood relations, but they were all somewhat close on this island.
“Another in law enforcement?” Jack asked.
“No,” he said. “Drew Bond, along with his brother, Bode, and their father, Scott, own a retirement community, real estateandconstruction company.”
Good for the island but not great for Mac and him as it was more residents they were responsible for.
“So one of the money Bonds?” Jack asked. “Yes, I did my homework on this island.”
Which told him that, yes, Andi wasn’t just a cousin. Or more likely, no cousin at all.
“Yes,” he said.
“You’re saying there was no foul play. Andi is saying the same,” Jack said. “I think we are all set here.”
Jack stood up and Jarrett knew there wasn’t much more they could do.
They let the guy leave and return to see his “cousin” while he and Mac stayed in the room.
“Thoughts?” Mac asked him.
“He’s not telling a lot of the truth,” he said. “But I understand he isn’t obligated to give us much either without us pushing it.”
“Nope,” Mac said. “Which is why it was best to let it go. If he’s not worried, we shouldn’t be. But it’s better if he knows he can come to us.”
“I’ll make sure Andi has both of our cards and I’ll give them to Jack too when I leave here.”
Mac pulled two out of his wallet and handed them over. “Let me know how it goes.”
“I’ll text you in a bit.”
“You’re not satisfied, are you?” Mac asked.