Do I sometimes just imagine me wrapped in Noah’s arms. Also, yes.
There was a cast party two nights ago, and I shook the hand of a woman who’s seen more of my boyfriend than I’d like.
Weird that I met her husband and two-year-old son.
They’re professionals. I’m not certain if I’ll ever be one hundred percent comfortable with the idea, but Noah’s attention and clear devotion to us leaves little room for a touch of jealousy to build.
The door clicks open. Murmurs flow into the hallway. More of the cast and crew step out, wiping their eyes, laughing, hugging.
Briar hurries to find Tyrell. I find Noah in an instant.
His eyes are red, but he’s smiling as he talks to Brett, the actor who plays Kage’s best friend in the series. As though he’s drawn to my gaze, he turns.
One hand claps Brett’s shoulder, and he quickly excuses himself to push through the crowd to me.
I wrap my arms around his neck. Noah crushes me against his chest.
“You okay, Pretty Boy?”
“Now, I am.”
I snort a laugh. “Good line.”
“Thank you.” Noah presses a kiss to the side of my neck. “That basically sucked, but it was awesome too. This season is going to be incredible.”
“Ugh, you’re killing me.” I trap his face in my palms. “I need to know.”
“Don’t do it, Noah!” Tyrell’s voice booms across the crowd. He points at me, then makes the gesture of zipping his lips.
I groan dramatically, then look back to my boyfriend. “You’re okay, really?”
“Yeah.” He pecks my lips. “It’s going to be the worst on the last day of shooting, but I’m ready for the next chapter.” My knuckles are pressed to his lips. “With you.”
“Count on it, Pretty Boy.”
Noah steps out of his office and cracks his neck side to side. He looks drained, but the familiar light is back in those dual-toned eyes.
I put the book down in my lap and sit up on his couch. “How’d it go?”
He takes a seat on the sofa and drags my legs over his lap, rubbing my toes without even realizing. “Sessions are usually intense. Especially after going so low, but it was good. We rehashed some techniques that worked well for me before. Just so you know, you’ll need to deal with me waking up at the crack of dawn to run.”
“Hey, as long as we ride a few times, I’m all for it.”
He grins. “Even better. Dan thinks I can keep the lower dose, and he’s supportive of my plans after the season wraps.”
Plans. I smile and reach out to the back of his neck, playing with the short hairs. For the last week, Noah has written out goals and intentional plans for the future. He insists it helps him keep his thoughts focused and his emotions brighter.
The ranch is in his vision. He wants to fulfill my grandpa’s dream of a week of veterans. He’s already spoken with my uncles about allowing his kids from the youth program to visit the ranch on days he’s dubbing as stunt days, where Carter and other crewmen will come and show them different techniques used on sets and stage.
His career—I’ve no doubt Noah Hayden will always be an American Sweetheart, a darling of the screen and stage. He wants to take a breather, then has hopes he can pick and choose whatever sort of movie or show he wants.
I think he is secretly looking forward to returning to the stage more than anything.
Until then, he’s back to his workouts for the final season of the show. The end ofWicked Darlingsis a situation still heavy with emotion, but once more, he’s looking forward with heady optimism.
“Well, I only get you all to my greedy self for a few more hours before my first session for the day.” I peek at the time on my phone. “What do you feel like doing?”
Noah offers a sultry look. “Oh, I have a few ideas.”