Page 95 of Until Then

I poke his rips with my toes, snickering.

“First,” he says, “I’m going to feed you now that I dare step out in public.”

We drive to his favorite diner. In the weeks we’ve been dating, Alan and his wife are fast becoming some of my favorite people. They hide Noah from scrutiny and always add extras to my sandwiches and burgers.

Halfway through our food, my mom calls.

“You need to go to Holston Films’ account.”

Noah bites into a fry, a groove of concern between his brows. I keep my mom on hold as he types in the account name on social media. His eyes blow wide. “You’re kidding.”

I lean forward when he holds the phone for me to see.

A written statement was posted an hour ago. From Shane Holston.

I don’t breathe, I hardly move, as I read every word.

To those I’ve disappointed,

I offer sincere apologies for my behavior in recent weeks. It was unbecoming of not only myself, but to our values as a studio. We pride ourselves in diverse acceptance of everyone. We do not tolerate cruelty or discrimination against others. I behaved in ways that do not align with the values of Holston Films, and I am sincerely apologetic.

We will not be pursuing any legal action against Mr. Hayden, or those with whom he associates.

On a personal note. To Hayley, I do not deserve it, but I hope one day you can find forgiveness for my absence. If only for your own peace. You have succeeded, despite me, and I wish nothing but continued success for your life.


I’m quiet for a long pause.

“Hayley.” Mom’s voice shakes me back to the moment.

“I can’t tell if it’s sincere,” I admit.

“Sweetie, I can never tell if it’s him or some clean-up person on his team, but the important thing is he’s leaving you and Noah alone.”

There’s a smile in her voice, and it awakens my own. I beam across the table at Noah who’s re-reading Shane’s post.

“He’s leaving us alone.” My pulse quickens. “It’s done.”

Noah lifts his gaze. There’s relief written in his features, but a touch of the protective, heated anger too. “I would’ve preferred if he’d done this on his knees, at your feet, but it’ll do for now.”

Mom hears and laughs. I join in, rising so I can kiss him across the table. “Take the win, Pretty Boy.”

He grins against my lips. “Fine. Only for you.”

I let my mom go and hold Noah’s gaze. “Now we get to look forward. And just so you know, forward means all the things—boring days, popcorn in the back of the truck.”

“Red carpets and film premieres.”

I smirk. “Trail rides and rock concerts.”

“Sandcastles and road trips.” Noah’s breath brushes over my skin. “Rings?”

My insides swoop like I’m falling from a high rise. “Definitely. You need to just accept that I plan to marry you someday.”

Noah’s eyes burn in a new sort of heat. His thumb traces the edge of my jaw, tugs on my bottom lip. He leans forward, our mouths grazing for a small moment before he whispers, “Until then, Wildfire.”
