When I return to my bedroom, Kai is sitting on the bed, two mugs of steaming coffee on the night table.
I wrap my right arm over myself to grab the left one, but his gaze snaps right to my braless breasts, and his eyelids droop.
“Good morning, cutie pie.”
And my soul is brought back to life by the uncertain rumbling of his tone. I stop, frozen. He seems smaller somehow, diminished. The cocky swagger is gone, replaced by a vulnerability I’ve never seen before, and it makes my heart clench.
Time stands still, and waves crash on the shore in a Beethoven symphony. I want to run to him, to smooth the worry lines from his forehead, but the memory of last night roots me in place.
Kai works a swallow. “Last night was unexpected…” A low murmur that travels farther than any shout could. “And incredible.”
Some women rave about suits and ties, but jeans and T-shirts are the perfect balance of power and comfort, and damn, Kai makes it sing.
I step closer until I can see the stubble on his chin and the golden flecks in his green eyes. It’s a declaration and a challenge all at once.
Do something, Kai!
Suddenly, there’s a noise—a distant reminder we’re not alone in this place. Utensils clatter, jolting us back to reality.
“Here,” Kai says, pushing a cup my way.
I study it with one eye as an intoxicating smell hits me. Chocolate. I breathe faster, and my pulse struggles to maintain a steady rhythm.
He scoots closer to me, still sitting, and I bring the drink to my nose, taking a deep breath. A subtle moan slips from my lips.
It’s Kai’s turn to breathe faster. A slow, hungry smile spreads across his face.
I take a long sip, letting the sweetness ground me. “Oh, god…” I groan.
“Mochaccino, Costa Rican medium roast, dark chocolate, and cinnamon,” he whispers as he gets up.
“Thank you.” I take another sip.
His eyes are restless, flicking to my lips and chest and then quickly back up to meet my gaze. The urgency of his demeanor is strangely compelling.
I put the coffee down.
“You’re welcome.” He swallows hard and steps closer, his gaze locked on mine.
My heart hammers against my ribs, and I try to maintain eye contact while pushing down a wave of desire that threatens to overwhelm me.
The corner of Kai’s lips lifts in the sexiest way possible.
My breath catches in my throat, but I don’t back away. Instead, I reach out and place my hands on his chest, feeling the warmth and strength beneath his half-damp shirt. His hands find mine on his chest and intertwine our fingers before guiding it toward his neck. My fingers trace the line of his jawbone, then up to his ear, and finally to the back of his head, where I thread my fingers in his hair. He shudders softly under my touch, and a low purr breaks out of his throat.
Since when do I have power over this man?
My every cell screams at me that the answer lies in giving in. To take the power he’s giving me. So, my fingers trail down to grip his T-shirt, and I pull him to me.
His chest sinks as my fist holds him close, a dry and urgent rhythm that matches the pulse of his ragged breath as it brushes my chin.
“Stop torturing me.” His hands leave my face to land on my waist. “Please.” His guttural plea curls into my ear, spiking through my nerves to ignite a reassuring glow in my heart.
Kai waits.