
A painful sniff escapes from my nose as I hold back tears of frustration. “You know nothing!”

But Kai is an arrogant ass who needs to prove a horrible point. “Eric.”

Twinkle, twinkle, distant star…

And I gag, unable to escape the torment that comes with the word.

In the void, where demons are…

This was the only way for me to survive with a violent man like Eric. I disappear into myself. Barely conscious, like a freaking puppet.

Up above the world so cold…

The hot, shaky breath Kai lets out brushes down my neck to my cleavage, and my body softens even more.

Lonely soul, lost and untold.

He bends and whispers in my ear, “I know this asshole does not define you.” His words snap me back to reality, and I release my grip on his throat to wrap my arms around his neck, taking deep breaths to ground myself. “I know you didn’t deserve it.” Kai’s nose nuzzles against my temple as he embraces me in a strange yet comforting hug. “I know you’re stronger than you think.”

But I’m not. Strong people don’t run away from their lives. And certainly, don’t attempt suicide.

My head drops until my nose touches the soft skin between his collarbones, and I take a shuddering breath. I detect hints of cedarwoodwith a touch of citrus. The fragrance is earthy and natural, with a touch of spice that makes my heart race.

And I realize something mind-boggling. Kai is right. I refuse to let the imprints of Eric’s actions stain my life any longer. For too long, I have allowed his memory to haunt and dictate my choices. But not anymore.

I pull away from his weird hug and point to the mirror in the hall.

He walks to it with slow strides, careful not to trigger me, and a piece of humanity comes back into my soul.

I need space to regroup, and Kai gets it. “Tell me what you think,” I say.

“I like it,” Kai says, smiling at his reflection. “Do you?”

I nod.

The hard gleam in his eyes subsides as if he can see something more than his appearance. “Corey told me about a fair downtown. Would you like to go with me tomorrow night?”

“No. I want to leave tomorrow at noon.” My answer rushes out of my mouth before I can assimilate what that man just did. That man, Kai, the utterly attractive felon, asked me out. And I refused. A horror movie scream fills my entire mind.

What the fuck?

“I’ve never been to a fair. We could win a teddy bear,” Kai continues, seemingly unfazed by my sudden rejection. Amusement flashes across his face before disappearing just as quickly. “I work too much. I want to have fun during our holidays,” he explains, his eyes sliding down my frame.

That look makes a visceral heat fill every cell of my body.

Our holidays?

But the moment shatters when Nina interrupts our conversation with her boisterous laugh. “Hey! You two should go in the hot tub; it’s great.”

I’m at a loss for words, still trying to process everything that has occurred in the last few minutes.

“I just invited my cutie pie to the fair tomorrow night to start the holidays off right,” Kai shares with Nina, utterly unaware of my internal turmoil.

“Oh... That’s such a marvelous idea. That means you’ll be staying one more night?” Nina asks, her smile widening even more.
