I sigh. “We will.”
When a giggling Nina leaves for her bedroom, Kai caresses my hand with his thumb. “I didn’t want to trap you.”
Don’t be so sweet, damn it.
He’s a hardened criminal. Act accordingly!
“If you don’t want to go—”
“It’s fine,” I answer. “It makes sense since we’re supposed to be dating.”
Boom! Pchh!
That’s the sound of my dignity exploding. He’s too tempting for me to say no. And if we’re stuck together anyway, I’d better try that handsome devil.
A powerful force presses me into a firm chest. It’s Kai, hugging me as tight as an anaconda. I can tell he’s not used to showing affection.
“Thank you, Marianne.”
Warmth envelops me in a bubble of sweetness.
But this time, my uncle appears, looking straight at Kai. “You can’t say no to a hot tub. Come on.”
I spring away. “Kai can’t. He has…” A skin condition?
“The offer is nice, but I have a new tattoo. Can’t soak it yet.” Kai taps his side. “Or I might get on her bad side.” He smirks at me.
Corey erupts in deep chuckles. “There’s no bad side to Marianne.”
Only unicorns and rainbows.I roll my eyes and snort.Seito, get me out of here.
The disbelief in his tone stings. Fantasies of assertiveness cramp into my mind, battling for the premium spotlight.
Nina comes back and slaps Corey on the shoulder. “Your niece has a wild side. It’s not because you haven’t seen it that it doesn’t exist.”
Corey’s eyebrows shoot up, intrigued.
“Oh, how true.” Kai smirks and winks at me, causing me to blush.
My uncle studies me, his gaze searching for a trace of this alleged wildness.
I could be, if I let my guard down.
“What about a game of Rock Band?” Corey suggests.
Kai questions me with his eyes, and I’m a breath away from screaming until my lungs explode because there’s this stiffness tugging inside of me, wanting my truth to blast into the open.
No! I don’t want to!
Nina senses something because she moves in between us and pats Corey’s arm. “They look exhausted, honey. Let them go to bed. We’ll spend some time together tomorrow.” She turns to me, amber eyes sparkling. “Right?”
Smashing Nina’s hope requires a level of badness I don’t possess. “Yes. I promise.”
I try to smile, but it takes so much effort. I’m drained. With the road and the panic attacks I had, my body demanded to go to bed.
Corey nods, but the sad veil in his expression tugs at my heartstrings. “Videotapes are on the lowest shelf, left of the T.V.”
“Thank you,” I breathe out in relief.