“Bye.” I hang up and take a steadying breath, trying to calm down as I look at Kai’s profile in the rearview mirror. “Looks like we’re in the thick of things now.”
“Don’t worry,” he assures me, taking my hand again. “We’ll figure this out together. But first, we need to find a place to lie low for tonight, and then we’ll decide our next move.”
Don’t worry?“Bug off, Hiroshi, the seventh in a long line of asswipes. Worry is my middle name.”
Kai chuckles and presses down on the accelerator, jerking the car forward. The lights of the city become a blur as we rush past them, leaving our old lives behind. We are no longer just nurses and criminals but fugitives trying to escape from the grasp of the law.
Oh, Seito, it was meant to be.
Kai clasps my hand again, his fingers cold yet comforting. “We’re in this together,” he begins, his voice steady and strong. “You’ll let me make it up to you, right?”
I gasp, taken aback by his question. A thousand emotions surge within me—surprise, joy, fear. But above all else, there’s relief. Relief because despite everything that’s going wrong in our world right now - despite the danger and the desperate circumstances—this feels incredibly right.
“I’ll find something. But first, let’s get that car in Eugene.”
Chapter 31
What'll Be
As we drive south, my thoughts swirl. Despite everything that’s happened, I can’t find it in me to be angry at Kai. After all, I consciously decided to take him back into my life, fully aware of his identity. I willingly slept with him and chose to stand by him. These were my choices. I could have easily betrayed him to his father or the authorities or rejected him and his past actions from my home and bed. But now that the initial physical attraction has faded, I realize that my connection with him runs deeper than just a purely physical one. It is something spiritual and profound. I’ve always struggled with feelings of worthlessness, but can it be possible that I can help redeem a criminal and find love?
He doesn’t have to change... but I’ll help him if he wants to.
A sly smile tugs at the corners of Kai’s lips as he speaks up. “I know where we can go.”
“On my first vacation, I stole a boat just in case I ever needed to disappear,” he reveals with pride. “It’s been waiting for me for two years. I guess I was just waiting for you to make the move.”
“You stole a boat?” I echo back, incredulous. The corners of my mouth twitch upward despite the mess we’re in. “Well, you certainly never fail to surprise me.”
He grins back at me, mischief lighting up his eyes. “It’s part of my charm.”
The tension eases. We go through the desolate streets while the city sleeps, unaware of our rush against time.
Kai’s hand finds mine, and his hold is comforting and strong. “Let me call Victor back. We’ll come up with a plan. But you cannot tell him about the boat. It’s too dangerous.”
Despite the fear and uncertainty flooding my body, my heart races excitedly at what lies ahead. A small part of me is thrilled at the unexpected adventure that awaits, an adventure with Kai.
“No boat talk.” I nod and press the phone icon on the dashboard.
“So, what’s it going to be?” Victor’s laughing tone cuts through the line.
And then Kai begins to tell his story. I can hardly believe what I’m hearing. With all that Kai has shared, Victor now has enough information to destroy the Kwunaru empire.
“Can you explain the escape plan you have for us now?” I ask.
“You sure about that, girlie?” Vic asks.
“All right. I have a car waiting at the impound lot in Eugene, Oregon. Inside, there are new passports for both of you and some cash. Just leave and keep moving until things settle down. You can do whatever you want, but I recommend constantly changing locations for at least a year. The more you move, the harder it will be for anyone to track you down. And don’t make any friends—it’s too risky.”
It sounds like a dream come true. I let out a derisive snort and gave Kai a nervous look.
Why does it sound so wonderful?
“But you’ll have to cross the US border without getting caught,” Victor reminds us.