Because it is!
I burst out laughing. Me, a fugitive. In love with a criminal.
“Why, Pop-pop?” I hear him sigh. I know his reasons, but I want to hear them from his mouth. I’d slap him for the emotional roller coaster if he was here.
“Marianne, you were the only one who gave me a second chance when no one else cared.”
Tears well in my eyes as I absorb each heartfelt word.
“You saw the worst parts of my life and still pulled me out of the closet. A little girl showed me what it meant to be responsible. I was drunk, and you took me to the bathroom to help me; you didn’t judge me based on my past. You made me enroll in A.A. meetings and even came with me to the first ones. I promised myself that if I ever got the chance, I would return the favor and help you.”
A shaky breath escapes Victor, and I nod, even though he can’t see me.
“For the past two years, I’ve seen you dream of starting a new life in a city where no one knows your past. You deserve a chance to reinvent yourself, like how you gave me a chance to become a better person. How you helped Seven see the good in himself.”
A small smile tugs at my lips, and my tears stop.
“You always see the best in people, except for yourself. But I see it. Since that first day, I’ve watched a young woman fight against herown demons to remain kind and sweet. Marianne, you deserve a second chance at happiness.”
Despite his troubled past, he turned his life around with my support.
“You might be angry now, but I don’t regret introducing you to Seven; this situation may be exactly what you need—a fresh start.”
A long pause makes me release a deep breath. “Did you know it would end like this?”
“I considered different scenarios, and this is definitely the worst.” He chuckles, but it only angers me more. “I thought maybe Seven would charm you.”
Victor Salem – a professional security guard and matchmaker extraordinaire.What an awesome asshole.
“Seven’s pretentious, violent, and has no moral compass.” And yet, I love it all—the idea of starting over with a new name, a new life, and no one to hold me back. I’ve always wanted to travel and write fiction without limitations or judgments.
My life is full of regrets but not much remorse. Fear has always held me back from taking control and making important decisions, causing me to miss out on relationships and experiences. But now, I have the chance to change that.
This choice will alter my entire life, and I have no one to guide me through it. The pain from my recent attack serves as a constant reminder of the dangers that come with living with Kai.
Calling the police in this situation would be useless; they ask too many questions and have no real power. I glance at Kai’s weapon resting on the dashboard.
“I’ll hang up, Marianne. Call me back when you’ve decided. Time is limited… The twins…”
“We know,” Kai mutters. “They’re alive.”
“And they’ll hunt you down. You better protect my Care Bear, Seven. Or I’ll haunt you in the afterlife.”
And I say something I never believed before. “I can handle myself.” It resonates in the confines of the car and makes Kai smirk.
I say goodbye before hanging up. This moment is crucial—it’s the crossroads of my existence. But for once, I’m not afraid of making the wrong decision. When I think of Kai’s touch, his kisses, his passion... I panic at the thought of losing him.
His love makes me feel alive, as if my soul was waiting for him to soar.
But running away with him means leaving behind my family and friends for a year or two—including Arietta.
How can I leave her without knowing if I’ll ever come back?
Despite our precarious situation and the danger that comes with it, I must call her. I dial her number, but it goes to voicemail, so I bombard her with messages until she finally answers.
“Privet,” she greets me in Russian.
My heart races as I try to explain why I can’t speak to her in English. Damn, I never thought speaking Russian would come in handy.