Page 17 of Nightmare Island

Fresh, freezing, and slightly impressed by their soap-making skills, I towel off vigorously, trying to bring some warmth back into my limbs. I pull on the new clothes, relishing the feeling of soft fabric against my skin, and step into the black sneakers. No mirror, but I feel like a new person.

Back in the main room, I peer out the window. The light’s different now—dimmer, with a golden quality that speaks of late afternoon rather than morning. Wait a second. That’s not morning light. That’s evening. Did I sleep the whole damn day?

My stomach growls in response, loud enough that I half expect Skull-face to come bursting in, thinking it’s some kind ofmonster. I press a hand to my belly, realizing I can’t remember the last time I ate. Right. Food. That’s the next order of business.

I mean, if they wanted me dead, I’d be long gone into the afterworld, so I think I’m safe to investigate where I am… for now.

The door’s locked, of course, but that’s never stopped me before. I retrieve the small pick I always keep in my pocket—a habit born from too many time-outs in locked rooms. The lock is old but well maintained. It takes a bit more effort than I’m used to, but finally, I hear that satisfying click.

I ease the door open, wincing at the creak of hinges. The hallway beyond is empty, lit by the warm glow of oil lamps. No guards. Either Skull-face is overconfident, or this is a trap. Knowing my luck, probably both.

The smell of freshly baked bread hits me as I creep down the hall, making my stomach growl even louder. The scent is mouthwatering, reminding me of Sunday mornings back home when Jarl would go hunting, and I was left alone… before everything went to hell. I follow my nose, padding quietly down the carpeted hallway. Old paintings line the walls, landscapes mostly faded and slightly crooked. It’s all so… normal, like a run-down country manor, not the lair of dangerous Alpha wolves.

I round a corner and?—

“Oof!” I collide with something soft and decidedly human-shaped. Stumbling back, I find myself face-to-face with another woman. She’s about my height, maybe a few years older, with huge violet eyes and a mass of brown curls that seem to have a life of their own. She’s absolutely beautiful.

“Oh!” she exclaims, looking as startled as I feel. Her eyes widen as she takes me in, a smile spreading across her face. “You’re out of the room. We were told you might be and that we’re to give you anything you need.”

“We?” I blink, thrown off guard. “Why?” The questions tumble out before I can stop them. “I mean, who are you? Where am I exactly?”

She giggles, and I notice how her curls bounce with the motion. It’s annoyingly adorable.

“Oh, honey. You really are new here, aren’t you? It’s not just men on the island, silly!”

“It’s not?” I blurt out, feeling like an idiot. Of course it’s not.Get it together, Hel.

“I mean, clearly it’s not. You think only men commit crimes?” She laughs again. “Especially when just going against an Alpha can have an Omega committed to Nightmare Island. At least, that’s what my husband did to me.” She shrugs as if being exiled is no big deal. “But that’s in the past.”

My mind is reeling. Other women. Other Omegas. This changes everything.

“So, how many Omegas are here?” I ask, trying to keep the excitement out of my voice. Allies, maybe. Or at least, not everyone here wants to eat me. Probably.

“With you, it’s now seventeen,” she replies with a tight grin, as though there’s more to that answer than she’s willing to share. “I’m Eve, by the way. And you look like you could use a meal. Come on, I’ll show you to the kitchen.”

“Thought you’d never ask,” I say, falling into step beside her. My stomach gives another loud growl, and she laughs. “I’m Hel. And maybe on the way, you can tell me more about Skull-face?”

Eve’s eyebrows shoot up, her violet eyes sparkling with amusement. “Skull-face? Oh, you mean Ghost! Girl, you’ve got a lot to learn about this place.”

I guess his name makes sense, though I have so many questions about him and that mask.

“So, we had just over one-hundred Alphas on count last month. Ghost,” Eve says, her tone taking on a dreamy quality.“He’s our leader. Dangerous as hell, but fair if you don’t cross him. He’s the reason we Omegas have any kind of decent life here.”

“Decent life? On a prison island?”

Eve shrugs. “It’s better than what we left behind. Trust me.” There’s darkness in her eyes that I recognize all too well. I decide not to push. We all have our demons.

We turn a corner, and the smell of baked food intensifies.

“So, what’s Ghost’s deal?” I ask, trying to sound casual. “Why the skull mask? Seems a bit… theatrical for a prison island.”

Eve’s laugh echoes down the hallway. “That’s a long story. Let’s just say it’s part of what makes him… him. You’ll understand when you get to know him better.”

I snort. “Hard pass, I’m good. I’m more interested in getting off this island.”

Eve stops, turning to face me with a serious expression. “Hel, listen to me. This place… it’s not what you think. Things aren’t exactly as they seem here. It’s dangerous, and bad things happen all the time, even in our pack.”

Her voice drops to a whisper, and I have to lean in to hear her.