Page 18 of Nightmare Island

“These shifters are feral. They lose control often. Never, ever let your guard down.”

A shiver runs down my spine as Eve’s words sink in. She’s trembling slightly, her eyes darting around as if checking for eavesdroppers.

“But I thought you said—” I start, confused by her sudden change in demeanor.

She cuts me off with a sharp shake of her head.

“I know what I said earlier. We have to keep up appearances. You never know who’s listening.” Her fingers dig into my arm, her nails biting into my skin. “Ghost might seem fair, but he’sstill an Alpha. And Alphas here… they’re not like the ones back home. They’re worse.”

All things I already knew, but to hear it from her makes it worse, turning my stomach.

“They’ve been here too long. Cut off from civilization, from any kind of restraint. Some of them… they’re more beast than man now.”

Before I can respond, I hear footsteps approaching. Eve’s expression changes in an instant, a bright smile plastered on her face as she turns toward the sound.

“Let’s move,” she says, her voice cheerful but her eyes pleading.

Eve leads me down a winding staircase, the wood creaking beneath our feet. The farther we descend, the stronger the aromas of spices, freshly baked bread, and something earthy and wild. My stomach grumbles embarrassingly loud, and Eve shoots me an amused glance.

We round a corner, and I’m covered by a wave of warmth and light. The kitchen is nothing like I expected. It’s all worn wood and gleaming copper, bathed in the golden glow of a massive fireplace. A cauldron hangs over the flames, something fragrant bubbling inside. To the side, there’s an oven with a sturdy wooden door, and I watch, transfixed, as an older woman pulls out a loaf of bread so perfectly golden it looks like it belongs in a painting. The smell hits me like a physical force, and my mouth waters.

“This is…” I trail off, struggling to find the words. It’s like stepping into a fairy-tale kitchen, not a prison-island galley. I wonder if I had it all wrong. Maybe it’s just being out there with the men that’s the issue. But then I remember Eve’s warning. Beauty can hide danger, after all.

A large wooden table dominates the center of the room, covered in a basket overflowing with fruits I’ve never seenbefore, their skins a mix of colors. Loaves of bread, some still steaming, are piled high. There are pots of what looks like jam or preserves, their contents glowing like jewels in the firelight.

“This is not what I expected,” I admit, taking it all in.

Eve grins. “Wait till you taste it. Mara’s baking is legendary.”

The older woman only smiles at us as Eve cuts two thick slices of bread.

“You bake incredibly,” I say, but Mara nods at me.

“She doesn’t talk,” Eve explains. She leans in closer, her words barely above a whisper. “Her husband… he cut out her tongue before dumping her here. But her baking skills are exceptional.”

The blood drains from my face for her suffering. “That’s horrific,” I whisper back, fighting the urge to reach out to Mara to offer some comfort. But what comfort could I possibly give?

Eve slathers the bread with what looks like butter, but when I take a bite, a strong taste of coconut fills my mouth. It’s delicious, creamy and slightly sweet. I finish it faster than I’d like to admit, licking my fingers without thinking.

As I eat, I can’t help but notice fresh scratch marks on Eve’s arm, partially hidden by her sleeve, along with faint bruises on her neck. She catches me looking and tugs her sleeve down. All Alphas are the same at the end of the day, aren’t they?

Eve places a bowl of stew in front of me. Steam rises from the thick, rich-looking broth, carrying with it a scent that makes my almost drool. Chunks of meat float alongside vegetables. I take a cautious bite, and the flavors explode on my tongue. It’s savory, with a hint of something wild and gamy. It tastes like…

“Chicken?” I guess, though I know it can’t be. Where would they get chickens on an island like this?

Eve laughs. “Crocodile, actually. Do you like it?”

I almost choke but manage to swallow. The meat is tender, falling apart in my mouth, but knowing what it is makes me hesitate before taking another bite.

“It’s delicious.”

After the meal, Eve stands. “Let me show you a great view of the island. I’m guessing you’ll be here with us now.”

I shrug, trying to seem nonchalant. “Well, until I can find a way off this place.”

“Yeah, wouldn’t that be nice?” she says. She pulls up her sleeve, showing me a burned mark on her arm. “Not unless a miracle happens.”

I instinctively pull down my own sleeve, not wanting her to know I’m here by accident and bear no mark. Right now, I want to blend in, then find my own way out without anyone hating me for having a chance they don’t.