“I just…” He sighs again, shaking his head. “Iamhappy for you, and I really hope you succeed. But I’m not ready to forgive you just yet.”
My chin starts to wobble but I fight back my tears. This is all my fault and I’m not sure how to fix it.
“I feel things for you that I’ve never felt for any other woman. I put myself out there and chased you for weeks. I fell in love with you and you acted like none of that mattered.”
“You do matter to me?—”
“I need some time. Can you understand that?”
I nod, not sure what else I can do at this point. “Of course. Yeah. Totally. Take all the time you need.” I start walking backward to the door. “Well, I guess I should get going. I don’t wanna miss my flight.”
My hand reaches for the doorknob, but when Peter calls out, my steps falter. “Ella Kate?”
“Yes?” I answer immediately. I don’t turn around, though. Because I don’t want him to see the tears rolling down my cheeks.
There’s a pregnant pause before he finishes, “I really hope you have fun out there. It’ll be a great experience for you.”
“Yeah,” I say, hoping he can’t hear my heart breaking from across the room. “I think so too.” I don’t dare look at him or I’ll really start sobbing.
With no goodbyes shared between us, I dart from his office and hustle back to the town car out front. I thank the driver profusely for waiting for me and swipe at a few errant tears. I chastise myself as he helps me with my luggage after dropping me off at the airport.
Don’t you dare cry, Elle.
I make it through security relatively quickly and head to my gate.
Don’t cry.
Thankfully, I’m one of the first boarding groups so I get on the plane with no issues and put my carry-on bag in the overhead bin.
Don’t you do it.
I buckle myself into my seat and wait for the plane to take off. We leave on time, cutting through the clouds until there is just a sea of blue to be seen outside my window.
Don’t cry.
Leaning forward with my elbow propped on the tray table, I’m thankful for my window seat. I pretend to stare at the morning sky, hiding my face as the tears finally begin streaming. I try to ignore the ache in my chest, refusing to acknowledge the fact that Peter may never want to see me again.
This can’t be the end for us. It just can’t.
California is even morebeautiful than I thought it would be, and now I understand why it’s referred to as the Golden State. It’s bright and sunny and warm and the ocean is absolutely majestic. It’s a photographer’s dream to have all these gorgeous panoramic views.
When I arrived yesterday, I decided to turn over a new leaf. I cried all my tears on the plane, and I wasn’t going to spend the rest of the trip sulking and sad because I need to stay sharp for this fantastic opportunity I’ve been given. I can’t afford to blow it simply because I’m heartbroken, something I completely brought on myself.
I was greeted by a new driver at the airport and he delivered me straight to the resort, where a small team of employees offered me a kind welcome. They told me how impressed they are with my photography, and a few even asked if I do weddings or baby pictures. I was so overwhelmed and admitted that I haven’t expanded too much outside of business shoots yet. But that certainly gives me more to think about for the future.
Then, I was able to spend the rest of the day strolling around the property, snapping some pictures here and there, just getting a feel for how different areas of the resort look at various times in the day. I talked to several staff and guests, and even experienced the Pacific Ocean for the first time. It was way more fun than I thought it was going to be and gave my spirit a much-needed boost.
Needless to say, I’m excited to get to work today. After slathering on sunscreen and donning a wide-brimmed hat, I grab my camera and leave my hotel room. Only to immediately slam into something hard.
“Ow!” I squawk, rubbing my injured nose.
“Shit. Sorry, Ella Kate. Are you alright?” a familiar voice asks. “I didn’t realize you were stepping out.”
I slowly crane my neck upward. “P-Peter?” My mouth drops open as I blink. “What… But how… I don’t..”
He chuckles and rubs the back of his neck. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you after you left yesterday. Actually, I haven’t stopped thinking about you for even a minute since you got out of my car a week ago,” he confesses. “I know I said I needed some time, but I realized that no matter the amount of time you give me, I’ll always forgive you. Because I love you.”
My knees almost buckle with relief.