“Thanks, Jeremy,” Peter replies. “And stop calling meboss.”
“Sure, I’ll get right on that.” His chuckle is quiet as he exits the room, leaving me alone with Peter.
“Right.” Peter drums his fingers against his leg. “So, um, what are you doing here, Ella Kate?”
Hearing him say my name makes my heart clench because I’ve missed it so much. I’ve missedhim.
“I’m going to California,” I blurt.
His dark eyes widen. “Oh. That’s good to hear?” He responds like it’s a question, trying to gauge my reaction.
“Yeah,” I confirm. “It is good.”
“And you were able to get all that time off work? I understand you have… responsibilities.” His tone isn’t condescending or demeaning, and that makes me feel even more like shit for how I reacted the last time I saw him.
I cross an arm over my body to grip the spot above my left elbow, as if shielding myself for whatever is about to happen. This is much more awkward than I thought it would be.
“About that…” I clear my tight throat. “Well, I talked to my parents about cutting back on my hours and exploring other interests.”
“Other interests…”
“Seems they think I need more time to pursue my passions outside of the cafe.To start living my life, as my mom put it.”
“And they can manage without you?”
“So it seems.” I look down at my shoes. “It’s not that they don’t need me or anything.” I’m not sure who I’m trying to convince here, myself or Peter. “But they don’t wanna see me waste my life away in the cafe or miss out on any opportunities.”
“I see.” He nods curtly and avoids my gaze. “So, I guess you’re going to California then.”
“Yeah, they think it’ll be good for me to try something new.Go on an adventureand all that.”
“That’s good to hear. I’m happy for you.”
“Yeah, me too.” There’s another awkward lull while we both scramble for something to say.
“When do you leave?” Peter asks.
His eyebrows shoot to his hairline. “Today? Wow, that’s?—“
“Right now, actually.” I jut my thumb over my shoulder in the direction of the lobby. “I have a car waiting for me out front.”
“Oh… Well, I don’t want you to be late.” He looks like he wants to say more, but decides against it. “Have a safe trip.” He turns toward his desk, shuffling a few stacks of paper.
“Peter, I…”
He looks up at me and I freeze. “Was there something else?”
“I just wanted to tell you that I… that I’m, uh…” I exhale a loud breath, silently begging my heart to stop beating so fast. Jeez, I was much better at this when I was practicing in front of my mirror. “I’m sorry for the way I treated you. It was unfair and uncalled for. I’d give anything to take it all back because I really want you to come to California with me.”
His confused expression causes my breath to hitch in my chest. “What? You just expect me to drop everything I have going on right now and go on a trip with you? Across the country?” He faces me completely, crossing his muscular arms across his chest. “That sounds a littleirresponsible, don’t you think?”
There’s an edge to his voice that fills me with shame and I wince—even though I deserve it. When I bite my lip and begin wringing my hands again, Peter sighs and drags his palm over his face.
“I’m sorry, Ella Kate. I shouldn't have said that.”
“It’s fine.” I brush it off, a little hurt while also knowing I brought this on myself.