Rainey knew she didn’t have anybody at her house because she didn’t have a house. But she didn’t want to stay at the hospital because it stressed her out, and she could never get good enough rest.

“I guess yours, but I don’t like it,” she mumbled.

“If you would like to call a coupleof people I know, the sheriff or any of my colleagues, we can. Would that make you feel better?”

Rainey nodded.

“We’ll call my colleague first, and then we’ll call the sheriff,” Daddy said as he pulled out his phone.

She watched as he showed her his screen and called someone named Noah. The phone rang and rang before he finally picked up.

“Marco, what can I do for you?”

“Hey, Noah. I have a Little girl sitting right next to me who is coming home with me. She needs a little reassurance that I’m not the boogeyman and won’t harm her. We’re calling you and the sheriff so she can hear from two different people that I’m not the boogeyman.”

Rainey giggled when he called himself the boogeyman but quickly composed herself. She needed to hear what Noah had to say.

“Sweet girl, I want you to know that Marco is an amazing Daddy, but he’s also an amazing person. His heart is so big, and he loves helping other people. He would never harm anybody unless that person were attacking you or thepeople he loved and cared for. You are in good hands, and I hope you get better soon,” Noah gently said over the phone.

“Thanks, Noah,” she whispered.

“But on the off chance that he does do something, just know he’s ticklish on his sides.”

She stared at Marco in shock. He was ticklish?

“Thanks, Noah,” Daddy said before he hung up. “Don’t you get any ideas! I’m not actually ticklish.”

Her shoulders slumped. She was kind of hoping he was so she could hear him laugh.

“Now, I’m going to call the sheriff. His name is Baxter.”

The phone rang several times.

“Never thought I would have you calling me on my personal line. What can I do for you?” Baxter said. “I am at work, though, so if I get a call, I’ll probably have to hang up without any explanation.”

“That’s okay. I’ve got a Little girl here who needs a little reassurance that I’m not the boogeyman.” Daddy wiggled his eyebrows at her.

She smiled and waited for Baxter to reply.

“Hello, Little girl. I’m Baxter, the sheriff of Springfield. I just want you to know that Marco would never hurt you. He’s definitely not the boogeyman. He’s a caring Daddy who would hurt the boogeyman to keep you safe. To ease your worries even more, I’m going to have Marco text me your number so I can text you. Anytime you need me, you send me a message or call me and I’ll be right there. But I want you to know that Marco is a good man. He cares for a lot of people and once he’s decided you’re a part of his family, nobody will be able to touch you or harm you. He’s like a mama bear to her cubs. Fierce when people harm or threaten her babies but all soft and cuddly whenever she’s with her loved ones.”

Rainey couldn’t help but giggle at that. She never thought a man could get compared to a mama bear.

“I know my analogy was a little weird, but it’s true. Hewill coddle you, love you, protect you from anything, but he’ll also discipline you when you need it. You’ve got an amazing person there with you. You’re lucky to have him, and he’s lucky to have you. Because if he wanted to, he could have told you that you couldn’t call anybody and just took you home, but he didn’t. He suggested calling people to put you at ease.”

Rainey sighed. Everything he said was true. While Daddy was demanding she could either come home with him or stay in the hospital, he was looking out for her. He was trying to make her comfortable by letting her talk to a couple ofpeople about him.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“Anytime, Little girl. And you can call me at any point, even when I’m off duty. I’ll have him send me your number so I can text you and make sure that it’s you. Not that he would lie, but just to ease your worries.”

She felt her body start to relax even more. She didn’t know either one of the men she talked to, but they had put her at ease for now.

“I have to go. You two have a wonderful time together and don’t get into any trouble,” Sheriff Baxter said before he hung up.

She looked at Daddy, and he smiled at her.

“Let me send your phone number to him really quick. Can you tell me your number?”