Rainey rattled off her number, and Daddy sent it.

“At any point if you need to call him or you need me to call anybody else, you let me know. I don’t ever want to make you feel uncomfortable.”

“Thanks, Da—” She clamped her mouth shut. She did not almost call him Daddy out loud. “Thank you, Marco,” she quickly corrected herself.

“Now, let’s call for the nurse so we can get you settled at home.”



Nerves ran through her body as they walked toward his car. Was she really going to do this? She was going home with a man she didn’t know. Several people had told her about him, but she hadn’t been around him much. Everybody said he was an amazing person, even her employee, Grace.

Rainey trusted Grace and she also trusted the sheriff. Both of them talked highly of Marco. She felt safe around him; there was no doubt about that. He made her feel calm, safe, and secure.

Daddy opened the car door, and she just stood there. It was like her brain was malfunctioning, and she didn’t know what to do. She knew she had to get into the car, but her body wasn’t cooperating.

“Everything okay, Little girl?” Daddy asked.

She looked at him and nodded. It wasn’t exactly a lie. Everything was okay.

“Do you need help?”

She nodded once again, not trusting her voice. Daddy gently picked her up bridal style and carefully put her in the car. He grabbed the seatbelt and buckled her in. As he pulled out, his arm barely grazed her breasts, making her shiver.

Rainey hadn’t had a man touch her in what felt like forever. Itwasforever; the last time had been when she got pregnant. That had been over six months ago. It felt like an eternity.

“Such a good girl.” He kissed her forehead before closing the door.

She watched as he walked over to his side and got in. He was so graceful with his movements but looked so powerful and determined as he walked and got in.

Daddy turned on the car before turning to her. After placing his hand on her thigh, he gave it a gentle squeeze. “Do you need anything from home?”

She shook her head. “The coffee shop.”

Rainey needed her stuffed animal and pacifier. She would have gone without it if he didn’t know, not wanting to out herself. But he did know, and she wouldn’t sleep without them. They helped calm her down and sleep better every night.

Daddy pulled out of the parking lot and started the short drive to her shop.

“Was I taken in an ambulance?” she asked.

Rainey needed to know how much she was going to be in the hole. She knew hospital stays, no matter how short, would be a lot of money. Add an ambulance ride, and she would be in debt her whole life.

“No, I took you there. I knew I could get you to thehospital by the time the ambulance got to your shop. I didn’t want to take a chance waiting for them.”

She let out a sigh. Maybe now she wouldn’t be in debt for her whole life.

“My car is at the coffee shop. I’ll need to drive it,” she stated.

“What for?” he asked.

“To go to work tomorrow? I also need to go to the hospital and get my bill all sorted out.”

She had to work to make sure everything ran smoothly, but she also needed money. She would need to talk to the hospital billing people and see if she could go on a payment plan of some sort. It was going to be hard, but it had to be done.

“You aren’t going to work. The doctor said you need food, liquids, and rest. Working is not rest. I also forgot to tell you that the doctor wants to see you in a week and a half. He said if you haven’t gotten any better, he’s going to put you on bed rest.”

Rainey’s mouth hung open. “He did not.”