Springfield was more accepting of the lifestyle than any place she knew of. It was another thing that drew her toward moving here when the shop was available to rent. But even then, she didn’t want to show her Little side to other people. Pete had not reacted kindly when she told him about it. He made fun of her and told her it was the most disgusting thing he had ever heard of.
Rainey had quickly told him it was a joke and hid everything she could that brought her Little side out. What if she told somebody here and they reacted the same as Pete? But this time, they could tell the whole town. News spread like wildfire in the small town. Everybody knew she was new in town, pregnant, and was opening a coffee shop before she even announced it.
“Sorry, Little one. It’s a habit, but I’m glad to hear you’re not put off by it. You do know about the town, right?” he asked.
Rainey nodded. “It was one of the reasons I wanted to move here.”
“Have you told anyone?”
She shook her head.
“Why not?”
“Please don’t tell anybody,” she begged.
Daddy took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. “I would never tell anybody without your consent. But you don’t have to be afraid to let people know. There are so many Littles, Middles, Daddies, and Mommies. It’s accepted and even normal around here. Have you been to the club yet?”
“No. It’s expensive.”
At some point, she did want to go and check out the club, but it was going to have to wait until she knew she could afford it without skipping in other important areas.
“Well, anytime you want to come, you let me know. I’m one of the owners.”
Rainey blinked several times as she processed the information. She had heard there were several owners, but she never thought she would actually meet one of them.
“And I’m serious. It will not cost you anything. I hope you’ll be mine, which means you won’t have to pay for a membership.”
Her mouth hung open. Did he really just say he hoped she would be his?
“I can see that I’ve shocked you. I’m sorry. I’m trying to hold back so I don’t scare you off. I feel this connection toward you. I can’t deny it.”
Rainey didn’t know how to respond. She never had a guy be this forward with her.
“Marco, I don’t… I don’t know what to say.”
Everything in her wanted to call him Daddy out loud, but she couldn’t. She didn’t know him that well.
“I didn’t think you knew my name.”
“Grace, the manager I hired, showed me a picture of you and your colleagues.”
She couldn’t deny that she felt an attraction toward him. He calmed her, made her at ease, but most importantly, he made her feel alive somehow. It didn’t make sense since she didn’t know him at all.
“That’s okay. I just wanted you to know. I can’t keep it a secret from you. I know you’re the one for me. That might scare you, but I promise I’m not a bad person.”
Rainey didn’t think he was a bad person. From everything Grace said about the club's owners, they were all understanding, sweet, and wouldn’t hurt an innocent person.
“I’m going to call the nurse now so we can get you discharged and in my house.”
She immediately held her hand up. “Hold up. Your house?”
“Yes, unless you have somebody at your house who can take care of you. The doctor said he didn’t want you home alone, so it was either staying in the hospital or staying with me if you don’t have anybody at home.”
“I don’t need to be looked after. I’m perfectly fine. I’m an adult.”
She wanted to cringe as she said she was an adult, but she didn’t. She obviously did need somebody to take care of her. She wasn’t doing a good job with that, but she also just craved it. She had never had a Daddy, but she’d read so many books about it.
“It’s not up for discussion. You can either prove to me that somebody is at your house who can take care of you, or you can stay with me, or you can stay at the hospital. It’s your choice.”