No response.
“What a fucking buzzkill.” Landon grabs the papers from me and puts them in a protective sleeve. “Let’s go.”
With our collective mood taken down several notches, we drive to Jasmine’s place to go over the contract. She doesn’t make us wait on the porch this time.
We sit around her small wooden kitchen table. It occurs to me that the white legs and wooden top of the table and chairs match. The chairs are sturdy. She’s done well for herself, even having her own house, but at what cost?
Her finger slides down each page as she meticulously reads the contract, which is pretty simple but we used a fourteen-point font to make it take up a few pages. She looks up, a mix of gratitude and hesitation in her expression.
“This is really thoughtful. I appreciate that you’re respecting my wishes.”
“Of course,” I say, leaning forward. “We want you to feel comfortable and in control.”
She returns her attention to the papers, reads a few more lines, then laughs. “The three of you agree to provide all of the “D” I want.”
“You said…”
“I sure did.”
“I’m impressed that you’re reading the contract,” Landon says. “Most people just sign whatever’s put in front of them.”
“How can both parties be on the same page if we don’t respect each other enough to read what we’re agreeing to?” She taps a finger on the page. “I’m not okay with the clause about not dating anyone else without telling you.”
Cole shifts in his seat. “We’re not saying you can’t.”
“It sounds an awful lot like commitment.”
I superficially defend the clause, as much as it pains me. “We just want to know if you’re seeing anyone other than us.”
“We’re not exclusive.”
“We having unprotected sex and that shouldn’t be taken lightly.”
She waves a finger. “Agreed. But this is supposed to be fun, not controlling.”
“We plan on keeping it fun.” Landon flips the page and points to a line item. “Right here… we explicitly state no commitment. We’re all willing to sign.” Then he mutters, “Against our better judgment.”
“Okay, but…” She handwrites a sentence then turns the paper to us, extending the pen to me first. “You all need to initial this change.”
My heart cringes as I summarize aloud. “Regarding sex partner notifications… No names have to be revealed, and the clause applies to each of us, not just her.” Then I add, “Do you really think you’ll need more than the three of us to stay satisfied?”
She shrugs innocently. “Just keeping my options open.”
I grumble and initial, passing the pen to Cole, then Landon.
Jasmine bites her lip, considering the next page while they add their initials. “I think I need one other item… a termination clause.”
“An opt-out clause?” Landon echoes, confusion evident in his voice.
“Yeah,” Jasmine says, her voice soft but firm. “Something that lets me end everything if I need to.”
Should we be taking Trent’s cautions more seriously? A knot forms in my stomach. “You already have total control, no commitment.”
Jasmine takes a deep breath. “If I invoke the termination clause, it’s over. No calls, no texts, no showing up. Clean break, no questions asked.”
A heavy silence falls over the table. I exchange glances with Cole and Landon, seeing my own uncertainty mirrored in their eyes.
“That seems... pretty final,” Cole says carefully.