Jasmine nods. “It’s important to me.”

I lean back in my chair, processing her words. Part of me wants to argue, to find a compromise, but I can see and hear her determination. Plus, kickback would fly in the face of her statement that she wants no questions asked. What has Babygirl so worried?

My roommates each give me a small nod. I say, “Agreed.”

She adds the clause to the page and we all initial. After she flips to the final page, her tediousness has my heart racing. Will she find a deal breaker? Will she push any of us to a point we can’t agree to? Fuck! What if one ofusbalks? Can the other two continue?

Her finger slides past each line of ridiculously large print. Only three more lines left.



No objections.

She sets her hands on either side of the paper. I’m frozen, staring at the signature lines. I can’t speak. Pick up the damn pen already, Babygirl.

“Well?” Landon’s voice has more concern than I’ve ever heard from him.

She lifts her gaze, meeting each of ours in turn. “We’ve got a deal.”

Her words hit my ears, but it’s not until she grabs the pen and signs that I breathe a sigh of relief.

Landon doesn’t even wait for the ink to dry before moving on to the next step in our masterplan. “Ready for your first set of D’s?”

When it was just the three of us guys tossing out ideas, it seemed fine to tease her, in the sense that turnabout’s fair play, but right now my cock is so hard, I wish we’d come up with a different plan.

She licks her lips, tempting me to disregard our earlier stupidity.

Landon plows forward though, taking one of our business cards from his pocket and sliding it across the table. “Our first D, adate.”

Our plan seems absolutely ridiculous now that we’re pushing our chairs away from the table and heading to the door.

Jasmine’s jaw drops as she shifts her attention from the card to us. “You’re leaving? I thought we would…”

“We will,” Cole says.

The fact that we managed to stymy her makes the blue balls a touch more tolerable.

“But wait… what if I’m busy? You can’t expect me to drop everything.”

“Dropeverything…” Landon laughs. “Another D word. Guess you’ll have todecideif you want adateanddinneror if you want toditchus?”


She’s fucking adorable.

“The roof? 6 pm? What does that mean?” She questions the information we wrote on the card.

“Guess you’ll find out when you get there. Would you like us to send adriverfor you?”

“No, thanks. I guess you’ll have to wait and see if I can make it.”



I run through a dozen scenarios in my head as I drive to the address on the business card. Dinner on a rooftop sounds fancy, although cold, but I’m not here for the ambiance. I need more than just a good meal—I need to be the other kind of full and satisfied.