“Yes, thanks to you. I was so scared for my parents.”

“You were incredibly brave.” He stared at her with wonder in his eyes. He looked her over. “Did he … hurt you?”


“Oh, thank heavens.” He bent and captured her lips. The kiss changed the feel of this creepy cabin to a joy-filled sanctuary. When he pulled back, he stared into her eyes, his blue eyes full of relief and love.

“Lily, I was terrified. I’ve never prayed that hard. Two highway patrol were following you at a distance, but they had to stay too far back and lost you in the forest. The listening device cut out after the Bigfork comment. It was heavenly intervention that Sheriff Polland knew which cabins were rentals. We had dozens of officers scouring the area and found you.”

“I was praying hard too. I’ve never been so terrified. Not for me, but for my parents. I should’ve known you’d be listening and get them out. Your dad and Bennett are my heroes.”

“You know, Lil, my dad’s always been my hero too, and Bennett’s top notch.” He cocked his head to the side. “But I’m really hoping I could be your hero.”

“Are you now?” She studied him. “I’ll get back to you on that one.”

He chuckled and then he kissed her long and deep.

“Okay,” she said, out of breath when they pulled apart. “You can be my hero.”

He tenderly cupped her face. “Thank you.”

His phone started ringing and then blue and red lights lit up the night outside. He silenced his phone but led her out of the cabin, holding her hand. He didn’t release it as he talked to the other county sheriff and more police showed up. One of them handed over her purse before they headed into the cabin, she guessed to collect evidence.

Thankfully, the first police car had taken Jacob away. Clint explained he’d most likely be extradited back to Boston where he’d committed three murders to be prosecuted. She relayed to him and Sheriff Polland everything he had told her.

After they finished with questioning, she was able to talk to her parents. Her mom only cussed her a little bit for not telling them she’d gotten engaged to Clint because she was in danger. Lily was so relieved they were okay that she’d take any wrath her mom wanted to give. Her mom’s big question was if she was still engaged. She looked at the ring on her finger that she felt was hers and the handsome sheriff standing close by talking totheAiden Porter on the phone. She admitted she wasn’t engaged. Clint had rescued her and branded her his with his kisses. Would he tell her he had to let her go so she could date Walker? She might break down if he did.

The area cleared out and finally it was just her and Clint. He walked her around to the passenger side of his truck. He slid her purse off her shoulder and set it inside, but instead of helping her in, he pinned her against the truck, his strong body overshadowing her and his hat covering them from the world.

“Lily …” His voice was low and husky. “I’m done.”

“Done?” That was the opposite of what she’d hoped for. He was done being her fiancé?

He smiled briefly and framed her face with his hands, trailing his thumb along her jawline. “I’m done fighting my feelings for you. I’m done not telling you the truth.”

The truth? What did that mean? She clung to him and prayed.

“I talked to Walker earlier today, and he isn’t going to hold me to my promise.”

Her heart beat faster.

“Lil … even if he would have, I’d have fought my kindest brother for you. I can’t hide it any longer. I’ve longed for you for years.” He paused to let that sink in. “Being around you the past few days has solidified the truth … I am desperately in love with you, Lily Lillywhite.”

She was blown away by the love shining from his blue eyes. Walker had given his approval, but Clint would’ve fought for her even if he hadn’t. He’d longed for her for years? She needed to hear more about that, but him being desperately in love with her was all she needed right now.

“I’m done as well.” She slid her hands around his neck. “Done fighting my feelings and hiding the truth. I’ve been in love with you for years, Clint.” His eyes brightened and his lips curved in a smile. “Being close to you, teasing and laughing together, knowing you will protect me and light up my world with your kisses… it only solidified that I love you. You are the only man in the world who would do for me.”

The mighty Sheriff Clint Coleville looked a little emotional. His blue eyes were bright and his mouth soft. She didn’t even have the chance to tease him about it as he bowed his head and sealed their words with a long, tender kiss.


One WeekLater

Clint and Lily walked hand in hand across the empty parking lot and onto the dock. Dusk was fast approaching and thankfully the lake was quiet a couple days after Labor Day. Clint stopped on the dock and turned her toward him.

“I have you to tell you, sweetheart, this past week has been the hardest of my life.”

“Excuse me?” Lily drew back and glared at him. “Spending every spare minute with me has been difficult for you?”