His cheek crinkled and his blue eyes sparkled. “It’s not the minutes spent with you that have been hard. Those minutes have been ideal. It’s the ones we’re apart, especially during the nighttime hours.” He winked.

Lily flushed. “You can’t have my nighttime hours, not until …”

He pulled a ring out of his pocket. “Until?”

Lily gasped. Even in the dying light from the parking lot, she could see how gorgeous this ring was. A large, beautiful round diamond set in a thick white gold band. Smaller diamondsdescended in the gold band that she thought might match perfectly with the engagement band she hadn’t taken off yet.

“Lily, here on this dock, I made the mistake of almost kissing you.”

“Mistake?” She scoffed, but she was smiling.

“You were still dating my brother and I’d promised my other brother he had dibs.” He shook his head. “Dumbest promise of my life, but thankfully it all worked out.”

“It was dumb, but I love that you are loyal.” She pursed her lips and smiled. “I don’t know if this is the moment to tell you this, but this dock used to be the spot Miles would bring me to kiss in high school.”

“Did you really just …” Clint shook his head and thumped his fist against his leg, but he was smiling at her.

She laughed. “I’m sorry.” She searched for something to say to make it better. She should not have brought up Miles kissing her on this dock, especially at this moment. She and Clint had talked through everything this past week about her relationship with Miles and his with Sheryl, when they first started noticing each other and more. She knew he loved her a billion times more than he’d ever loved Sheryl, and he knew she’d yearned for him most of her adult life. “Do you have any idea how long I had a crush on you?” she asked.

“Tell me again. Make me feel better after ruining our special spot.”

She tenderly kissed him. “I’ve had a crush on you all of my adult life. This spot is only special with you, and the memory I think of on this dock is when you almost kissed me two years ago. Even a kiss on the cheek from you is better than any kiss with Miles.”

“That’s better.” He grinned. “You’re forgiven for bringing up my brother and tainting this moment.”

She could only laugh. She loved how they teased and enjoyed every moment together.

“There’s a very important question I need answered before I agree to marry you,” she added, teased him a little more.

“I’m pretty certain I’ve revealed all my secrets this past week, but ask away.”

“What do you have tattooed on your back?” She was only guessing, but she was pretty certain her hunch was right. She’d wanted to go swimming this past week and confirm, but the weather had cooled off.

He slid the ring back into his pocket, took off his cowboy hat, and slowly, tantalizingly pulled his shirt off. She gaped at his well-defined pectoralis, deltoid, bicep and tricep muscles. He smirked at her and slowly turned around.

Succulent. Just as she’d imagined. His broad back was muscular, tanned, and perfect. On his shoulder blade was one word, Loyal, written in cursive. She reached out and ran her fingertips over the tattoo.

He trembled and spun to face her, catching her hand. “Hey now. No woman can touch my bare back unless I’m marrying her.”

Lily laughed.

He spread his hands wide and the muscles in his upper body engaged, making her mouth go dry. “Only the one tattoo. Loyal has been a mantra for me, and the tattoo is in my dad’s penmanship.”

“I love that.”

“Thank you. Are you disappointed there isn’t more?”

“I couldn’t be disappointed in that back or this chest.” She grinned. “What would you add to your ‘loyal’ tattoo, if you were so inclined to?”

“A lily,” he said. “The most beautiful flower on earth, the scent that drives me insane, and the only woman in the world for me. I am forever and always loyal to my Lily.”

Tears pricked her eyes. “Okay, okay, you can ask me to marry you now.”

“Can I put my shirt back on?”

“Hmm. You might get a more positive response without it.”

He chuckled and shook his head, lifting his shirt back over his head and sliding it into place. “I’ll take my chances. Asking you to marry me without a shirt on feels like something Easton would do.”