She felt like she had whiplash. Was he going to be her pretend fiancé or not? “They’ll ask questions. I don’t want to worry them.”

“Why haven’t you told them about any of this?” His voice was gentle, but his blue eyes were intense.

“It seemed like more of an annoyance at first.” She looked away, embarrassed and afraid he’d think she was overreacting, especially as tears stung the corners of her eyes. “I’m used to doctors, other workers, and patients at the hospital hitting on …” She trailed off and studied the table.

“Hitting on you,” Clint finished. “I’m sure you are.”

She looked at him and flushed. That look in his eyes … was he jealous? Certainly not.

“Well, of course they hit on you,” Mark said. “You’re Lily Lillywhite.”

Lily half-laughed and was grateful for the slight break in tension. She used to hate her name, but she didn’t mind it anymore. Especially when people like Mark and his family said it, people who thought she could do no wrong and would be on her side. Suddenly she was glad she’d told Clint and Mark. Neither of them had acted like she should be ashamed that she hadn’t broken out of the nightmare yet or that she was at fault.

Clint smiled, his face crinkling as beautifully as any ideal sheriff cowboy’s face should. “He’s not wrong,” Clint said, andher own eyes widened as Mark grinned widely. “You were saying the doctor was an annoyance?”

She nodded, wringing her hands. “My relationship with Miles kept him at bay. I prayed he’d grow bored of rejection. But it kept going, and with my supervisor cautioning me not to report anything, I didn’t know what to do.”

“Your supervisor should’ve supported you,” Clint muttered, indignant.

Lily swallowed hard, touched by his support more than she could express.

“You haven’t told anyone but your supervisor?”

“I hadn’t even told my sisters.” It was humiliating to admit, and her throat felt scratchy. She hated crying and hoped she wouldn’t.

“You’ve dealt with this alone?” Clint’s voice was soft with compassion.

Lily was always independent and didn’t seek help, but Clint’s understanding and his tender voice was a much-needed balm.

She blinked quickly and luckily no tears escaped.

“I just kept dealing with it and trying to avoid him,” she admitted, the familiar shame coursing through her. “I didn’t want to upset everybody. My parents love Dr. Hampshire. Grandma was in heart failure when he started working with her. The cardiologist they drove her four hours to in Missoula claimed she had three to six months left. Dr. Hampshire moved in and tried some cutting-edge treatments and a different mix of medication, vitamins, dietary restrictions, and exercise, and she’s improved significantly. He is an incredible cardiologist and has taken a personal interest in Grandma, given her better quality of life, and extended her life.”

“All so he can coerce her granddaughter into dating him?” Mark asked.

She shrugged, wishing she could tell Mark and Clint how much she appreciated them being on her side. “It feels like that, but he’s almost worshipped at the hospital. I seem to be the only one who has any issue with him. I’ve tried to feel out the other nurses and they all rave about him. It’s made it even harder to solve the issue and stop him.”

“I’m sorry you’ve dealt with this,” Clint said. “You’re very brave to fight through it, and on your own to boot, Lily.”

Lily stared at him, and the tears she’d been fighting sprung to her eyes. She hadn’t felt brave. Not at all. “Excuse me for a moment.” She jumped to her feet and rushed to the bathroom, closing the door softly behind her. Splashing water on her face, blowing her nose, and saying a quick prayer, she hoped she could keep the tears at bay. Otherwise, she was afraid she’d throw herself at Clint. He was not only the most handsome and imposing sheriff in the west; he was also understanding and kind.

“It’s a weird obsession this dude has,” Mark was saying as she walked back to the table. “We know Lily’s the most charitable and beautiful nurse around, but a respected, single doc like this joker should have plenty of women interested in him.”

Clint nodded, studying her as she settled into the seat. “Maybe just a power play or wanting what he can’t have?”

“Could be.” Mark looked at her. “Is he handsome?”

“Yes,” she admitted.

Clint’s mouth tightened. Lily wanted to reassure him that nobody was as handsome as him, not to her. Besides, she wouldn’t date Dr. Hampshire if he was the last man on earth.

“Have her stay at your parents’ ranch,” Mark suggested.

Lily thought the world of the Coleville family. Her mama and Millie were the dearest of friends. But she didn’t want to stay there, not after recently breaking up with Miles, maybe being fake engaged to Clint, and worrying if Walker would find a timeto express his interest. Her parents reported he’d stopped by while she was at work earlier in the week and yesterday. She had no desire to reject the handsome steer roper. Any woman would be thrilled to date him. She glanced at his older brother. But who could possibly compare to Sheriff Clint?

“It’s … a busy time for them right now,” Clint said with an exchanged glance with Mark that she didn’t understand.

“Breeding the bulls?” she guessed.