Clint focused on her and didn’t answer her question. “You’ll stay with me.”
The happy leap of her stomach earlier had nothing on the exhilarating roller coaster ride that was happening inside her right now. “Pardon me?” she managed, her throat thick and not from withheld tears this time.
Clint nodded as if it was decided. He stood and offered her a hand, pulling her to her feet and much too close to him. She put her free hand on his forearm to steady herself. “Please pack what you need for at least a few weeks.”
“Clint. I can’t just … stay with you.”
“Why not? I have plenty of space.”
She had never been inside his home but thought the exterior of the two-story country-style home was lovely—wide gray planks, white trim, black shutters, loads of windows, and a wraparound porch.
Maybe she didn’t want plenty of space. Maybe she wanted to be cozy with this handsome sheriff.
“People will talk,” she said. “We’re not married.”
He gave her an enticing grin that made her knees quiver. “Now there’s an idea,” he said in that husky voice she wanted to record and play back when she was missing him.
Mark hooted. “I like it. Let’s get you two hitched and this annoying doc will stay far away. Nobody would dare mess with our tough Sheriff’s wife.”
Clint arched an eyebrow at her as if questioning whether she agreed. She couldn’t believe what they were suggesting. Fake married. She’d be ecstatic to date and marry Clint someday, if he was interested and chose to pursue her, but she wasn’t messing with the sanctity of marriage, even if it got Dr. Hampshire off her back and brought her closer to Clint.
“Oh, my goodness.” She pulled away from him. “I’m not roping you into some fake marriage. I’ll go pack my things.” She whirled away and hurried to her bedroom before she could see how Clint reacted to her words.
Her heart raced out of control. No way could she handle being fake married to Clint. Being fake engaged and staying at his home was already too much to handle.
She’d be safe from Dr. Hampshire. But at what cost? If she and Clint were still a no, she couldn’t handle being close to him and knowing it wasn’t what he wanted.
Did he still love Sheryl Dracon? Could he ever love Lily?
Neither question mattered right now. She had to focus on being grateful she was safe, she’d bravely shared her story, and neither Clint nor Mark had shamed her or questioned her interpretation of things. They’d both been supportive and kind, especially Clint. It was a relief to have shared what was happening and to know she had two strong men on her side.
Maybe things would finally come to a head with Dr. Hampshire and that awful chapter of manipulation could be finished.
Where would that leave her and Clint?
You … me … it’s a no.
Her hands shook as she packed her clothes. She wanted her and Clint to be a yes. That could never happen.
Clint drummedhis fingers against the steering wheel, trying to avoid looking at the exquisite Lily sitting in his passenger seat, a suitcase of her clothes and toiletries in the backseat, the words ‘fiancée’ and then ‘wife’ ringing in his mind.
Those were potent words. Especially regarding the woman he’d long hidden his interest in. He couldn’t claim her as his; he’d kept his distance for years. Now this crazy situation had thrust them together, and how had he reacted? Growled that she was ‘his fiancée’ and then made it even worse agreeing they should get married.
He passed a hand over his face.
Dr. Hampshire appeared obsessed with Lily, and as Mark had said, who could blame him? What would Lily think if she knew Clint had always been jealous of Miles, and years ago he’d stupidly agreed to let Walker pursue her. He was over Sheryl in that he didn’t want her back, but he still questioned his judgment about women and didn’t want to push his family away or fight with Walker like he had with Cade.
He was upside down and inside out. If he were a drinker, he’d be four sheets to the wind. Mark had noticed he was drawn to Lily. His deputy and friend couldn’t wipe the grin off his face.
Was it transparent to everyone that he longed for his brother’s girlfriend? Okay, ex-girlfriend now, but for all of a week. Miles was more than ready to move on, but was Lily? Would she move on to Walker or some other lucky guy?
Clint couldn’t quite believe what he’d just insisted on, but he had to protect her, as the sheriff and as an honorable man. Hearing the story of manipulation from that jerk doctor, and then seeing her dart to the bathroom to hide her tears, had shaken him.