“Nico ...” My name is like a sigh, and when she curls her fingers into the front of my T-shirt, that’s what does it for me.
That’s what makes me lose control.
I kiss her. Testing her. I don’t come on too strong or press too hard. I keep my touch light, a barely there promise.
She responds, returning the kiss, her body straightening, her other hand settling on my chest. Not to push me away ...
No, she’s got handfuls of my T-shirt clutched in her fists, like she needs to hang on for dear life.
Our mouths connect and break apart again and again, her lips parting more and more until I take my chances and slide my tongue against hers. A whimper sounds low in her throat, and then it’s on.
We’re kissing. I pin her against the wall with my body, pressing my hips against hers. She runs her hands up my chest, curling her arms around my neck, and I slide my hands around her waist, jerking her to me.
She goes willingly, whimpering again, and when I circle my tongue around hers, that whimper turns into a full-fledged moan.
I devour her mouth, holding her to me, kissing her with everything I have. Warm lips and tangling tongues and soft sighs. Her even-softerbody seems to melt into mine, and I shift my hands downward, just about to pick her up so she can wrap those long legs around my hips, when I hear someone gasp.
And it’s not Ever.
We stop kissing at the same time, our heads swiveling toward the open door of the bathroom. An older woman is standing there, an employee badge hanging from a chain around her neck, and I swallow hard, trying to control my breathing.
“Young man, this is the women’s restroom,” she says in a shrill voice.
I reluctantly pull away from Ever, sending her a look before I turn my focus—and charm—to the librarian. “Sorry about that. I got ... lost.”
She crosses her arms in front of her ample chest. “Uh-huh.”
I amble my way toward her and grab my backpack from where I left it by the door. Glancing over my shoulder, I send Ever a quick look before I flash a smile at the older woman. “Excuse me.”
The librarian steps out of my way, and I exit the bathroom, turning almost immediately to the right so I can wait for Ever in between the rows of dusty old books.
I can hear the librarian talking to Ever, and then they’re both leaving the bathroom.
They start to walk past, and I make a weird whistling sound, catching Ever’s attention. She spots me, her eyes wide before her gaze shifts to the still-walking librarian, and thank God Ever stops, leaning against one of the shelves.
I wait a few seconds, wanting the woman to be long gone and out of earshot before I speak. “That was a close call.”
Everleigh’s response is to sigh, shaking her head. “We should’ve never done that.”
“Why not?”
“You know why not.” She marches toward me and pokes me in the chest. So hard I take a step back, rubbing at the spot where she did some damage. “I asked you to keep things between us as just friends.”
“I was keeping it friendly.” I put on my most innocent face, because come on.
That kiss was pretty fucking friendly.
“And you got us in trouble.”
“You were at fault as much as I was,” I remind her.
She glares at me, seemingly at a loss for words. All she can manage to say is, “You’re annoying.”