Page 61 of End Game

I hear Ever sigh and glance up, watching as she snaps her laptop shut and shoves it into her backpack. I’m frowning, wishing she’d talk to me, but she’s still quiet. She gathers her things and puts them all away before she rises to her feet, jerking her backpack over her shoulder.

“I need to go,” she announces when she catches me watching her. “See ya.”

That’s it. NoI’ll see you at homeorHey, that was fun.

Just a simplesee yabefore she hoists her backpack strap higher on her shoulder, turns on her heel, and scurries away.

I glance around the table, wondering what the hell that was about.

Then I scramble, shoving everything I brought into my backpack, zipping it closed as I stand and go after her.

It’s darker back here in the depths of the library, but I think I spot her in the near distance. I hurry my steps, wondering what the hell could be back here that she’s seeking out, when I spot it.

The restrooms.

She pushes her way through the door markedWOMEN, and it slams shut with a rattle. I glance around, wondering if anyone is in there. Where we’re at is pretty much empty, all the action happening at the front of the library, and I hesitate for a moment, contemplating my next move.

I wait for what feels like forever but is probably no longer than a minute. Maybe two. Enough time passes to make me contemplate if Ishould go inside. What if something’s wrong with Ever? I don’t want to invade her privacy but ...

Fuck it.

I barge my way into the women’s bathroom, stopping short when I see Everleigh standing in front of the sink, washing her hands.

“Are you following me?” She shuts off the water and grabs a couple of paper towels, drying her hands as she studies me.

Great. Now I feel like a stalker.

“I was worried about you.” Which is partly true. But she looks great. Normal.

I overreacted.

“Really.” She tosses the paper towels in the trash. “Well, I’m fine. No need to worry.”

“Okay. Good.” I hesitate, watching her for a moment. I feel like an idiot. I shouldn’t have run into the bathroom, but here I am. “It’s just that you ... took off so fast. You didn’t give me a chance to say anything.”

Her shoulders sag, and I realize her backpack is propped against the wall nearby. I do the same, letting mine drop by the door.

“What could you say, Nico? Are you mad I didn’t give you a chance to say goodbye?” She sounds weary. Poor thing. She’s overworked lately.

“No, of course I’m not mad.” I approach her carefully, not wanting to scare her or, worse, make her run. “It’s just that ...”

“I left you because I couldn’t focus,” she blurts, clamping her lips together the moment the words leave her. Her eyes are wide and a little panicked. Like she regrets just admitting that.

“Why couldn’t you focus?”

A sigh leaves her, and she waves her hand in my general vicinity. “Look at you. You’re a walking, talking distraction.”

Maybe I should be insulted, but I’m not. More like I’m relieved.

“I feel the same way about you,” I admit, taking small steps toward her. I’m so close, I can almost touch her.

She takes a couple of steps in the opposite direction, still facing me, until her back hits the white-tiled wall. “We’re supposed to remain just friends. Remember?”

“Uh-huh.” I close the rest of the distance between us, my hands going to her waist, lightly pinning her to the wall. She tilts her head back, her gaze troubled, almost defiant. I shift even closer to her. Until I can feel her body heat absorbing into mine. “Hey, guess what?”

Ever frowns, a little line forming between her eyebrows. “What?”

“You’re a walking, talking distraction too.” I dip my head, my mouth hovering above hers. She’s trembling. I can feel her body shake. Can tell by the way she breathes. I shouldn’t push her. I shouldn’t put her in this position, but it’s like I can’t help myself.