Like I haven’t heard that one before. “Tell me you didn’t feel anything when we kissed.”
Ever remains quiet, but she’s breathing hard. Like she’s battling a massive internal struggle.
“See? You can’t say it.” I’m feeling smug. And positive that we’re going to take this back to the house and make some more magic happen. Hopefully in the privacy of my bedroom.
Only because I have the bigger bed.
“I felt absolutely nothing when we kissed.” She stands up straight, flicking her hair behind her shoulder. “There. How does that make you feel?”
Before I can respond, she’s gone, shooting down the aisle and most likely heading for the front of the library. Her scent still lingers, though. As do the taste of her lips and those breathy little whimpers she made too.
I rub at my chest again, pressing against the spot where she poked me. A direct hit on my heart. What she said just now?
Makes me feel like shit.
Chapter Twenty-Two
“Exactly how many people are coming to this party, anyway?” I ask Sienna as we compete for space in front of the full-length mirror that is currently leaning against my wall. I keep meaning to hang it and always forget.
“It’ll be the biggest bash the team has this season, and they rarely throw parties because they’re too busy with football. But you can count on them always having this party every year during their bye week. It’s the one time they can cut loose on a Saturday night with no major consequences. Nothing but fun.” Sienna tugs at the bodice of her black strapless dress, trying to contain her boobs, which currently look like they’re going to pop straight out at any second. “Maybe I shouldn’t wear this.”
“You look stunning,” I tell her, because it’s true. “Wear the dress.”
She smiles, shimmying her shoulders as she watches herself in the mirror. “Coop will probably flip.”
“Don’t let him see you.” I make it sound simple, but the house isn’t that big.
From what I’ve seen, though, the party will spill out into the backyard. There’s a keg stand set up out there ready to roll, and Frank gathered a bunch of folding chairs from somewhere, scattering them all over the yard. We have one of those outdoor firepits that’s full of kindling and newspaper and already lit.
After the long week we all just experienced, I’m ready for it. The entire party is going to be lit, according to Frank. He’s calmed down with all the love bombing, as Sienna calls it. I think he’s found someone else he’s interested in, and I’m so grateful for it. Not that he’s been chasing after me, but he’s been so down the last few weeks because of his shoulder. He even asked me to give him some special shoulder stretches so he could work on strengthening it on his own. I gladly gave him some tips and hope they help.
We shall see.
Frank has turned into a true friend, but he’s definitely seemed preoccupied by someone else over the last week. When asked about it, he’s played coy, which I found odd. He’s not one to hold back his feelings. He’ll always tell you what’s going on and who’s involved. Not this time around, though, which leaves me curious.
Maybe he’ll invite this new friend—woman, whatever he wants to call her—over tonight. That should be interesting.
It’ll also be interesting to watch Sienna and Gavin interact this evening. She’s avoided him for almost a week, which she admits has been difficult for her and she’s had to use tremendous willpower to stay away. I’m proud of her. I’m thinking the more she stays out of his life, the more he’ll want her in it, but who knows?
I can’t figure men out.
I do know the one man who’s been haunting my dreams on a nightly basis seems to be staying away from me, and I’m pretty sure he’s doing it on purpose. After the disastrous kiss in the library bathroom, he’s kept his distance. He doesn’t act annoyed with me or hostile in any way, which I would totally deserve because I completely rejected him.
No, it’s much worse than that. More like he’s polite and almost—indifferent every time we’re around each other. He barely speaks to me beyond a greeting or anexcuse meorthank you. That’s it. While I know this is all my fault ...
It kind of sucks. Doesn’t matter that I was the one who said we needed to keep it friends only and then ultimately rejected him—I stillcan’t help the way I feel. While he acts like he can turn his feelings off and on like a light switch.
Maybe deep down he’s an unfeeling asshole and I dodged a bullet just in time. Then again, maybe it’s a lie I’m telling myself. I don’t know.
I don’t know what to think or how to feel when it comes to this man.
Doesn’t help that I had an over-the-top sexual dream where Nico was featured in a starring role last night. We were in my bed, both of us naked. His mouth waseverywhere. His hands. His fingers. I could feel him pressed against me, hot and hard and insistent, and when I woke up, my hand was literally in my panties.
I get a little sweaty just thinking about it.
“You’ll have to help me with that,” Sienna says, interrupting my dirty Nico thoughts. “Avoiding my brother. Like, I’ll need you to distract Coop if he goes in search of me, which I doubt he will. Though I don’t know, he’s been a little tense lately.”